Compromise and Sacrifice

March 6 2024

Notes by Savitha Somnath Buono

REVIEW:  Last week’s story was about Jeeva and Ishwara. They tried to enter a magic garden and to enter, you needed to be a good person. 

The 3 Ls

LIVE (upto what is right)

LEARN (Always!)

LEAVE (a place better than you found it)

The old RAW was to realize when someone is doing the 3Ls.

STORY: Jeeva was a school boy. His mother had 1 eye. Jeeva disliked her for that. One day, it was Bring-Your-Parent-To School-Day. Jeeva was too embarrassed to bring her to school so he didn’t tell his mother about it. She found out about the event from the newspaper so went to surprise Jeeva at the school. When she got to the school, Jeeva was furious! Everyone teased him. He started shouting at her “Mom! I didn’t want you to come! Why are you here? All my friends teased me! Didn’t you see?” The mom went away crying. Jeeva. He ignored her. 

Many years later, Jeeva was now a rich man. He had a wife and children and they had never met his mother or knew that she had one eye. One day his old school had a reunion. Jeeva attended and had a good time. On the way home, he stopped at his old house and went in. On the table, he saw his mother’s diary and started reading it. He found out that he had had a childhood accident and lost an eye but his mother had donated hers to him. He also found out his mother was had died and left the diary hoping he would find it. She had also written that she had forgiven him for his mean behavior. Jeeva was heartbroken and wished he had known this earlier. 

MESSAGE: Don’t forget the people who help you along the way to meeting your goals.

RAW: Thank someone that helps you a lot. 


Notes by Naomi Deo


We talked about  Isha and Jeeva, two friends that want to go to a magical land where you have to be kind. Jeeva went first and saw all of the sad statues. They made him sad but he kept on going. Then he found the gates with an angry statue and a happy statue. Soon the happy statue started talking, asking him what he did to be kind. Jeeva said that he never did anything to hurt anyone. So the happy statue said that he has to become a statue. Jeeva was shocked but he couldn’t say anything because now he was frozen. Soon Isha came along. She saw the sad faces too. But she felt so sad that she gave them water, talked to them and gave them a great big hug. Then she found the gates. The angry statue said that she can only free one of the statues and she said that she chose Jeeva. Before they went inside Jeeva said that they have to bring everyone else inside too so that they could see the beautiful land. 

  1. Live up to what is right
  2. Learn always
  3. Leave the place better than you found it


Jiva’s mom had one eye and he was always embarrassed of her. One time she attended his school event and his friends laughed at him because of his mom’s eye. Later he got mad at her and she cried, but did not argue or complain. When he was older, he got rich and successful and made a family. His family never knew about his mom.  One time she went to his house and he shooed her away but still she was smiling. Later he went to his mom’s house and found his mom’s Diary. Out of curiosity he read it and it said she gave her eye to him because of a car accident as a baby and each time he hurt her she forgave him and she went to his house to see how successful because the doctor said her days are numbered .  Reading this  he cried:[


We talked  about  sacrifice and compromise

For example jeeva hated being poor getting laughed at and forgot about his mom = compromise and  his mom  sacrificed her eye for him and each time he hurt her she forgave him because she loves him = sacrifice   


Dwija didi asked us what’s your favorite thing and person  and would you lend it to them?


At the end of each day, close your eyes and in your mind thank them with all your heart.

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