Clarity — Doing What is Important

Don’t Do What Others Do: When you do something that others do you can miss things that are important.


So there was a queen who noticed that she was getting old and she knew that soon someone else will have to rule the kingdom but she did not want her children to only be the ones who could rule. So, she asked the people in the kingdom to come to the palace and she told them that they were going to have a carnival and in that carnival she would come disguised and whoever finds the queen first they would become the next ruler. When the day of the carnival came everyone went to the carnival with determination to find the queen and become the next ruler but when they reached there they got distracted by the things around them. Then in the crowd there was a teen girl and she was looking when she saw a chair mounted up she thought it was possible that the queen did not even disguise herself and came as the queen. So she then became the next ruler.


The moral of the story is that even though everyone around her was busy having fun at the carnival the girl did not get distracted and found the queen.

Question & Answers

Q — When someone is getting bullied but you are shy and can’t help them what should we do?

A — In a time like this you should either be close to them physically because bullies try to find someone who is alone. Next, listen to that person cause they will feel stronger also, tell your friend that they should tell and authority to help them and guide them.

Q — When you ask yourself what your purpose in life is, how can you find your purpose?

A — You should be around people who have purpose and that will help you find your purpose.

RAM( Reflection Adventure of the Month)

Everytime you feel bored, imagine taking control out of your pocket, figure out why you are bored and then unpause and continue.


Notes by Vishva Sachania


One queen of a kingdom knew she was getting old, so then she was reflecting and thinking of who was going to rule the kingdom after she died? She wouldn’t want her children to be ruling her kingdom. So, she thought that the clearest, most focused citizen of all the residents of the kingdom shall rule her kingdom, and how would she test them? Well, then a brilliant idea came to her mind. She called a very important meeting with all of the kingdom and stated that there was going to be a festival filled with the most delicious foods, fun games and crazy rides galore, and that she will be in disguise and if anyone could spot her, then they shall be the next ruler of the kingdom. The queen was smart, and she knew that everyone will be distracted to see what is happening, and all of the different rides and fun things going around in the crazed festival. But there was one 18-year-old girl who was determined, smart, focused and confident enough that from. A distance she could see a throne. Who was on this throne, you may ask, well it was the queen, but dressed as herself? This was because she knew that nobody seemed to remember about finding the queen that she just could possibly dress as herself.


The moral of this story was to explain that when our mind is clear of obstacles and focused we could achieve great things.


We questioned ourselves and reflected on, “Why are we in this universe?”, “Why do we got to school?” “Why have we been created?” as a class.Q & A:

Questions & Answers

Q: How do I not become a bystander and somehow protect my friend who is being bullied?

A: You should be physically close and emotionally close with your friend. Physically: You should stay physically close to your friend so that bullies don’t pick on her when she is alone, and that there will be another person (you) standing by next to your friend which gives the bully less confidence. Emotionally: Listen to your friend, and that gives them confidence to stand up to the bully themselves.

Q: How do we find our purpose in life if we don’t have one?

A: We should be around people who have a purpose in life, and you might get inspired for a purpose of your own.

Q: How do we spend time with one who you have a feeling that their life will end soon, and how do we not make them uncomfortable by how much time you are spending with them?

A: You should make yourself feel as though a short moment is a long, special moment to remember, and make plans with that person for how long they are spending with them is a comfortable time for them.

Q: What is our purpose as a student?

A: Our purpose as a student in life right now is that we should make ourselves disciplined enough that as soon as we are ready, we already have a feeling of what our purpose in life is for us.

(Next monthly Satsang with Vivekji is only a Q and A session)


Whenever we are bored, disconnected from everything and “pause” and focus on yourself and think about why we were bored in the first place, then hit “play” and reconnect.

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