Clarity — Doing What is Important

We reviewed the virtue of generosity and how Karna was generous. When you practice generosity, it is easier to let go. The more generous you are, the less serious you are.

Virtue for this week

The virtue we learned was clarity. Clarity Is when you do what’s really important and not just to do what everyone else does.


There was an awesome queen who ruled in an awesome way. She wanted to find the next leader after her. She said she would organize an amazing carnival with food, games, prizes etc. and that she would come there in a disguise. Whoever could see through the disguise would be the next leader. People came to the carnival and forgot about the challenge as they got distracted with the food and games. A teenage girl, who was not distracted, focused on the challenge and found the queen sitting in an elevated place that was the throne.


The message of the story is to develop clarity.

  1. How do you decide what to do? Don’t do what others are doing. Do what is important.
  2. How do you decide what is important? Whatever gives the maximum happiness for maximum people for maximum time in maximum ways.

Practice and its significance

Be a news reporter.

1. Interview someone who is like your parents — ask them “why did you go to work today?”

2. Interview someone who is someone who is around the same age as you — ask them “why did you go to school today?”

3. Interview yourself — “Why did God create you?”

These questions help us develop clarity.

RAM (Reflection Adventure of the Month)

Every time you feel bored, press pause. Figure out why you are feeling bored and don’t be bored.


Notes by Pranavi Ananthanarayanan


Long ago, there was a queen and she was getting older. Then she wanted someone else to be the next queen but usually the daughters of the queen get to be the next queen. One day she gathered everyone in the palace. She said that there is going to be a carnival and she will be disguised. The person who finds the queen first will be the next queen. So everyone in the palace came to the carnival but the people were so focused on the carnival that they forgot about the queen. A girl came to the carnival but she didn’t get distracted about the carnival then she saw a bench and she sat there, there was the queen and she WASN’T EVEN DISGUISED!


Clarity is what is important and don’t do what someone else is doing.


Interview Someone with the below Questions:

1. Go to someone you know who is older and ask them why they work or do household?

2. Go to someone around your age and ask them why do they study?

3. Ask yourself Why did god create you?

RAM: Everytime we feel bored, pause, think about why you are bored and then you can continue.

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