by Raghav Pajjur and Shreehari Srinivasan
From November 21st to November 27th, 2022, Vivekji of Chinmaya Mission Niagara led a yatra
of 88 seekers from across the US and Canada to the Chinmaya Ashram in Couva, Trinidad &
Tobago. Swami Prakashananda and Brahmacharini Kritikaji of Trinidad ashram welcomed the
yatris and helped with all the coordination. It was a week of satsang, seva, and inspiration.

The yatra week had activities planned for each day. The mornings started with Swami
Prakashananda’s discourses on Shiva Sankalpa Suktam, a text on how to divinize the mind’s
thoughts. The first few days consisted of trips to (1) Maracas Beach, where the group played in
the water during a pouring rainfall, (2) a trio of temples, including “The Temple in the Sea” and
one with an 85-ft tall Lord Hanuman statue, and (3) the new Chinmaya Vidyalaya that combines
secular and sacred studies. Meals included Bake and Cheese sandwiches, Trinidadian street
food ‘doubles’, and dinner at the Ashram restaurant, Garam Masala.
In the evenings, Vijayji gave discourses on the Ramcharitmanas, and how the Ramayana
directly represents one’s inner personality. The last adventure was the hike up Tapovanam Hill,
through the rainforest, to the ashram at the top. The group set off on Jeeps and pickup trucks
until a certain point, and after that most yatris hiked on foot through the mud and river ahead.
After reaching the top, everyone enjoyed Swamiji’s hot cocoa and freshly made dinner, before
sleeping on foam mattresses. The next day, the yatris headed back down, and spent most of the
last day in maunam reflecting on the learnings of the experience. After Swamiji made a pizza
dinner for everyone in his handmade oven, it was time for the Closing Ceremony, where several
seekers shared their reflections. The following day was full of departures, when it was time to
bid everyone goodbye.