Cheerful & Careful Channeling of Energy

March 30, 2022

Notes by Ambika Mishra


One day, a man was asked to paint a boat. He came, with his tools, such as the paints and brushes, and painted the boat exactly how the owner wanted it. While painting, he noticed a small hole in the boat. When he saw the boat, he knew he could fix it, and he repaired the hole. After painting, he collected his payment, and left, without saying anything about the hole. The next day, the owner of the boat came to his workshop, and he handed a check for a great amount of money to the painter. The painter didn’t understand why the owner was giving him this check, and so the painter asks why he is giving this check. In reply, the owner says that this was for the hole. The painter says it was a small problem, and not to worry about it, but the owner explained how his children had gone fishing with the boat. When he came to where the boat was, he realized that it was gone, and panicked, thinking that the children had drowned. When his children came back he was relieved, and he discovered how the painter had patched the hole and by doing so, had saved his children’s life. After telling this tale to the painter, the owner says how no price could repay the fact that he had saved his children. 


This story has three main morals hidden in it.

1) Channel your energy. By channeling your energy, you can concentrate better, and go above and beyond. If energy is not channeled, then it gets wasted. In the story, the painter was focused, and he did more than he was asked, and saved the children’s lives by doing so. 

2) Cheerfully accept what comes your way. Whether we like it or not, there are things we have to do, and the older we get, the more responsibilities we have. By cheerfully accepting, we can do things better and have a better outlook on life. In the story, the painter demonstrates this. He has work, and he does it with the right attitude, and he did more than he needed to, which reaped great rewards. 

3) Carefully look after your work. In this story, the painter was careful about making sure to do his work, and he did it with the right attitude as well. When one makes sure to do all they’re responsibilities, it can help them have a better lifestyle and can help others as well. 


This week’s activity was to demonstrate cheerful acceptance. Sumanji would pick a random person to do a random thing, and they had to do it cheerfully, and accept whatever task was given to them.  


This week’s RAW is to not use devices when we do our homework. If it is mandatory for a device to be used, only then are you allowed to use it.

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