Summary of last session (March 25) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijayji started the session by recapping Doha 83 and gave more explanation for Kamdev’s Bow of flowers and five arrows.  Bow represents our mind and five arrows are our senses. छंद: Discrimination  (विवेक) is considered to be the “king” of all virtues. Once it disappeared due to the influence of Kamdev, the virtues vanished as well. 
Doha 84: Because of the domination of Kamdev, the passionate desire spread everywhere like a wildfire. Living and non-livings were equally affected. 84:1/2 Everyone has a passion.  Attraction to the opposite sex is one of them.  Tulsidasji has wonderfully described this quality in plants, rivers etc. The creepers (female) started advancing towards trees (males). The rivers started flowing rapidly and enthusiastically  towards the ocean. The living beings also were equally affected and were attracted to the opposites. Vijayji reminded us about Shri Krishna’s advice to Arjun  “निर्द्वन्द्वो हि महाबाहो सुखं बन्धात्प्रमुच्यते” 

Rise above the pairs opposite, O Arjuna and be liberated. 

83:3/4 Tulsidasji continues with the details about how everyone from the human race, without any exception (Good, Bad Ugly!), Devatas, animals, birds, evils and ghosts were under the spell of Kamdev. 

छंद: Saints, Muni, Mahatmas, Realized souls started craving for company of women instead of pursuing the intense desire for Brahman and liberation. This tasteless show of Kamdev’s spell continued.  No one could escape except the one who surrendered to Shri Ram. “Therefore think of Bhagvan in the weak moment and  rise above the negative desire”, Vijayji advised.

85:1 The fear gripped Kamdev as soon as Kamdev reached Shivji’s abode. (That’s the usual result of unrighteousness activities). The world returned to its normalcy as soon as Kamdev arrived. 

85:2 Vijyji pointed our attention to three words used for Shivji in this choupahi:

Rudra (रुद्र), means terrifying because He is dealing with Kamdev and his dirty tricks.

Duradharash (दुरादरश) means the one who can not be defeated

Bhagvan (भगवान) means the one with six qualities.

85:3 Kamdev was getting frustrated because he was unable to accomplish his mission of breaking Shivji’s samadhi.  He didn’t want the embarrassment of going back and others making fun of him, even though he knew that death was imminent. He called upon Basant Ritu (बसंत ऋतु ) for help. Basant is the king of all seasons. Everything turned beautiful and attractive with the arrival of Basant. 

Chand (छंद): Passion started to arise in people in meditation.(मरे हुए मन) due to the influence of Basant and Kamdev, who Tulsidasji calls fire.The flowers started to bloom, bees were buzzing and birds were singing. The enchanting beauty of nature returned.

Doha 86: After trying everything Kamdev failed. Shivji’s samadhi could not be broken. His frustration turned into anger!  

Jai Shree Ram!

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