Category Vedanta in Bhagavata

Contemplative Listening

ViBha Class Notes – October 1, 2023 Opening Prayers   सच्चिदानन्द रूपाय विश्वोत्पत्यादि हेतवे तापत्रय विनाशाय श्री कृष्णाय वयम नुमः Sachidanand Rupaya Vishvotpatyadi Hetve,  Tapatraya Vinashaya Shri Krishna Vayam Numha We remember Bhagavan Krshna who is the only One who…

Just Do Japa

ViBha Class Notes – September 24, 2023 In the Ramayana, there is a teaching on Mitr Dharma in one of the skandas, which expounds the responsibilities of a friend. One of these responsibilities is – A friend challenges one to…