Category Power Hour for Youth

Week 15 : Follow the Leader

1/20/21 Notes by: Pari Saluja and Dwija Ramesh Notes by Pari Recap: World view: karmic fundamentals (Law of recreation) Truth: essential nature is happiness Means: science of right action Mechanism: responsibilities (always present and increasing) Mindset: acting to evolve Instrument of…

Week 11: The Conditioning of Experience

Notes by: Saadhvi Mamidi Review from last week: In all different experiences, the experiencer stays the same B(ody) M(ind) I(ntellect) P(erceives) F(eels) T(hinks) → eternal subject (experiencer) O(bjects) E(motions) T(houghts) This week’s question: What makes our BMIs unique? Our vasanas! (developing tendencies)…

Week 9: Review

Notes by Saadhvi Mamidi A review of our past 8 weeks Week 1: Worldview and Karma What you have at birth = god’s gift What you do with what you’re given = your gift to the world Hallmark of life = action…

Week 8: Action for Evolution (Part 3)

By: Pari Saluja and Avnee Mhaskar Notes by Pari: Recap: We’re learning about the science of right action through our responsibilities: Responsibilities are actions for evolution Qualities of an action that helps us evolve or devolve Intention and attitude change action When…

Week 7: Action for Evolution (Part 2)

Notes by Arnav Chugh RECAP: Reflections/Summary/Key points from previous week’s Class: We have been studying the science of right action Begins with rising to our responsibilities Responsibilities are opportunities for self-development Responsibilities are opportunities: Responsibilities come unasked with age Responsibilities are…

Week 5: Action for Evolution

By: Arnav Chugh and Saadhvi Mamidi Notes by Arnav: Reflections/Summary/Key points from previous week’s Class: The “how” of the science of right action Reign in senses with the mind itself Engage our mind with the purpose Letting go of the outcomes Responsibilities are…