Category Happy Hour Senior


August 12, 2020 Notes By Nakul Sriram This week in happy hour we reviewed the values we learned. The first value we learned was Prioritization, it is the ability to know what is important. The second value we learned was…


August 5, 2020 Notes by Arjun Patel Today’s class was about determination. How do we get over the feeling of failure? Determination is the answer. Determination means to never give up. There was a poem that said that the next…


July 29, 2020 Notes by Nakul Sriram This week in happy hour we talked about insecurity. Insecurity is when you are nervous about something that might happen. We watched an episode of Adventure Time. In the episode Princess bubblegum asked…


July 22, 2020 Notes by Arjun Patel Today’s class was about communication. How do we close the gaps between ourselves and others? We have to communicate well. Communicating means to listen and speak honestly. The rules of speaking are: Always…


July 15, 2020 Notes by Nakul Sriram This week in happy hour we learned about complaining. To not complain you need to endure. We also learned to stop complaining. You should change yourself instead of the environment because you cannot…


July 8, 2020 Notes by Arjun Patel Today’s class was about fear. The way to overcome fear is courage. Courage is willingly doing something that puts you in a situation that you are afraid of. What happens when you are…


June 24, 2020 Notes by Nakul Sriram This week in Happy hour we learnt about laziness, and how to overcome being lazy. We saw an example of laziness in the episode of adventure time we watched. Finn and Jake hired…