Category Happy Hour Junior

Happiness Is Perspective

February 8, 2023 Notes by Siddharth Kudumula We started the class with prayers and then we did few riddles.  After riddles, we were asked to tell one good and bad thing happened to us today. How should we react if…

Happiness is Being Curious

January 25, 2023 Notes by Naami Deo Review A young person asked a Swami how to get wisdom and knowledge. In the river, the Swami pushed the person in water and they fought to get air. Soon the Swami lifted…

Happiness is Wanting Less

December 7, 2022 Notes by Sahil Bhakta Review Last few classes we have been focusing on – 2 pieces of that are your attitude and effort. Thinking is not doing, doing in doing.  Before thanksgiving we talked about getting a…