Category News & Announcements

Sanga: Gather, Give, Grow!

From July 8-10 2022, 50 CHYKs and CHSKs gathered at Chinmayam (Silver Spring, MD) to reconnect with the Chinmaya Community, guided by Vivekji and Shankarji. The Sanga: Gather, Give, Grow! Retreat was one of the first in-person retreat since the…

CommUnity for Society

By: Krishnapriya Thirumala While the coronavirus pandemic has presented a unique challenge for everyone, it has also provided an opportunity to more deeply reflect on societal problems and ways to alleviate them. Recognizing this, the CommUnity for Society movement, organized…

Guided Silence: 10th SILENCE Retreat

54 seekers of all ages from around the world had the incredible opportunity to experience SILENCE for 60 hours guided by Vivekji virtually. Throughout the “Re-treat” seekers committed to a vow of SILENCE, no technology, reading, writing or rituals to…