Category Featured

Welcome home!

New year, new look! We’re thrilled to share that Chinmaya Mission Niagara will be moving to a new virtual home. It integrates the best of our current Medium site with new, inspired features designed to support every Seeker on their…

How to share feedback for this website?

Update (March 2021) While we are past the beta testing period; we continue to apply the spirit of Self Development to this website as well. Feel free to provide feedback at any point of time so that we can improve…

Running from the Mind CommUnity Race 2019

By Aditya Mahadevan It is said that the more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in combat. On Sept 28th, inspired by Vivekji from CM Niagara, 30 seekers from 10 cities across Canada and the US went into…

Silence Retreat

Cleveland OH | September 28 to October 2, 2019 By Rita Patel Adult seekers from various stages of life travelled internationally and domestically to Cleveland, Ohio on September 28th, 2019 to be guided by Vivekji in the most demanding sadhana…