Category Communities

July 2023: Prthvi Utsava

To live the ancient Hindu wisdom Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam  ‘The Earth is One Family’, an action-oriented community initiative was created to serve Mother Earth (Prthvi) in 2022. The initiative, called Prthvi Sevasanga, serves with the vision to realign lifestyle and community practices to…

May 2023: Single-Use Plastics

Article 16: The Perils of Plastic and Solutions to Single-Use by Simrata Keshav Environmentalist, Grassroots Organizer, Founder of Go Green Vernon Hills & Lincolnshire Want to serve others (and yourself)? Reconsider picking up that plastic bottle of water on the…

April 2023: One Family

Article 15: One Family: Loving the Earth with Loved Ones by Sapna Rao Seeker, Niece, Prthvi Mitra The word “Family” is powerful. To me, it is rooted in compassion, sacrifice, and inclusivity.  Vedanta teaches us to keep expanding our definition…

March 2023: Living Simply

Article 15: Living Simply: What must we do? by Meenakshi Umesh BArch, MSc in Applied PsychologyPuvidham Learning Center, Founder, Teacher, Administrator, Trustee Action to support the Planet to recover from all the destruction that it has been dealt with for…

February 2023: Planetary Health and Activism

Article 14: How Individual Change Transforms into Collective Action by Hamsa Ganapathi Policy Fellow, National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition So, you’ve reduced your water use, started composting, minimized food waste, and measured your carbon footprint. You’re doing everything you can to…

January 2023: Vedanta and Nature

Article 13: Living Vedanta is Environmentalism by Prthvi Sevasanga Team Vedanta is the science of Oneness. All that exists is the one indivisible Unity that appears as names and forms (e.g., people, trees, animals, earth) when perceived through sense organs.…