bhāgya → deha

January 13, 2022 – Class Notes by Prema Palaniappan


One of our main utsavas is Mahashivratri. Bhagavan Shiva has a crescent moon in his hair.  Often, it is described as a crooked moon, but because Bhagavan Shiva wears it, it is most beautiful and looks full. We are like the crooked moon because we struggle with a sense of incompleteness- we are doing but not feeling.  We need to feel that this course and this CommUnity is like Bhagavan Shiva.  We need to let go of whatever incompleteness we are feeling.  We are part of a class and a CommUnity whose sole focus is completeness.  

Typically, Sankranti is in reference to the sun as we are moving closer to the sun. Sankranti means well evolved. We have an opportunity to evolve well and need to recommit to evolving well.  We are all bhāgya to be on this journey to Joy together.

In Creation, our Rishis have analyzed that there are 2 types of births/yonis. There is bhoga yoni where one only evolves.  These births are stones, plants, animals and semigods (devas or suras).  Stones, plants, and animals have a blueprint of papa or negativity.  As they experience that negativity, they evolve- stones become plants, plants become animals, and animals become humans.  Semigods have a blueprint of punya or positivity and they evolve to become humans.  The second yoni is yoga yoni and is only in reference to humans.  Yoga means to unite.  We think of uniting in a beneficial or better way. However, we can also unite by devolving (eg climbing down a ladder and we are united with the lower rung).  Humans have a blueprint that is mishra which means mixed.  We have negativity or papa and have positivity or punya.  What is special about this is that the papa or adversity in life makes us think more and reflect more.  Stones, plants, animals and semigods have intellect like humans. However, their intellect is not designed to think and reflect on evolution. Humans have an intellect that is designed to inquire into the fundamentals. That is why stones, plants, animals, and semigods cannot be enlightened. They cannot experience moksha. Only humans can. We can utilize the opportunity of this special intellect through antahkarana shuddhi (purity) and jnana pramana (authoritative knowledge). When our inner world is purified, the mind and intellect are balanced, focused and reflective. Then, when a guide comes and shares that we are Joy, we feel that authority and it impacts us.  

When examining all demographics of society, children are the most pure and have the most appreciation for authority. This is why in our culture when a child can read letters and numbers, they are introduced to moksha patha. They are introduced to this game to help them understand that the purpose of life is to cultivate and develop purity and authority so that we are enlightened and reach moksha. We need to approach this course like a child. Be childlike and reflect on these words. We need to ask ourselves how we can live this or not live this. This reflection is a catalyst to internalizing. When we reflect and internalize these words, we will practise the words.

The Moksha Patha started with avidya which is forgetting how to be happy and forgetting the source of happiness. This sense of incompleteness is with us everyday.


Step 39dukha nivritti (escaping). What is escaping?  It is being busy. One who is being busy is one who is focused on the functional and not the fundamental. We come out of being busy by focusing on what is important (i.e. our physical health and mental health) and letting go of what is not important. It does not matter what other people think of us. If we quantify how much of headspace goes into being liked or dealing with not being liked, that is dukha nivritti.  This is living to escape from pain but pain will only escape temporarily.

Step 40sukha prapti (striving).  Striving not to escape from pain but to embrace peace.  This is when we externalize less and internalize more. What this looks like is we facilitate a self- reward system. One who externalizes does so because they want something externally like a check, recognition, etc.  For those striving for peace, they do not expect anything externally. All that happens, happens internally. We feel quieter and more independent. This is the self rewarding system. The game changer to evolve from dukha nivritti to sukha prapti is to have the right role models. With wrong role models, we play games of escaping. The right role models have high expectations of themselves. Everytime they practise calmness and quietude, they are more independent and they show us that we can be the same way.


Step 41bhāgya (fortunate)

Why do we feel bhāgya?  We are bhāgya when this in all ways becomes Bhagavan.  Bhagavan is translated as God but this description is abstract.  In Vedic culture, Bhagavan is a specific entity.  It means Bhaga-Van.  “Van” means to have or to be.  “Bhaga” means virtuous.  What is Bhagavan?  The one who has all virtues in all ways.  We don’t have all virtues and the ones we have are not always lived. Bhagavan is specific and something we can live towards.  There are 6 virtues of Bhagavan. One of them is Aishwarya, which means happiness or joy.  Bhagavan is one who is joyous. How can we use this step?  We need to start with integrity. Integrity is when we are dissatisfied when we know a value but are not living the value. Integrity is when we know a value and we live this. When we live this, it becomes a virtue. Every experience that happens to us is an opportunity to practise and to convert values to virtues.  When we have this integrity that values are not enough and we are clear that every experience is an opportunity then we feel serenity.  Integrity + opportunity = serenity.  More meaningful experience of bhāgya is serenity which is in us as us.

Step 42 – deha (body)

Deha is an equipment.  All of the equipment we come across is used and when done using, we let it go.  Do we have the same relationship with the body?  Another word for deha is sarira.  Sarira means that which is forever perishing/dying.  What part of us is dying?  The part that is dying is this equipment. We have used many equipments in our lives and then stopped using them. We need to feel the same way with the body. The way to practise is to focus on being healthy versus beauty. Only use this body to be healthy and we need to stop doing whatever we do to enhance the beauty of the body.


Step 41: bhāgya    Practice: Serenity

Step 42: deha          Practice: Healthy vs Beauty 

Discussion Subject

What are the benefits of being lighthearted and how can you nurture this virtue?

Vivekji’s observation: Benefit of being lighthearted is one is more in tune with Creation.  A characteristic of creation is change. If we are in tune with change we do not hold on as much to possession, positions etc.  We live more simply. How to practice it? To only own what we use. If we own stuff that we don’t use, our thoughts go towards that and we weaken ourselves.  We will feel less tired if we are lighthearted. If we own what we use, we don’t think about what we own as we use it all the time. We will have more energy which means we can have more enthusiasm and empathy. Start by being light footed. Care for our earth which is more tactile and measurable, it’ll help us care for our evolution.


Question 1:

We are still stuck in doing and multiplying once we start thinking of what to do.  Our doing lists are growing and inhibiting us from being.  

A –  Higher perspective – Do that which is important- that which is helping us to reach moksha.  That is the point of this course.  If it is not helping us to develop as a person to reach moksha, it is not important.  It does not matter what other people think of us.  This is hard for us to be weaned off.  We should shift to caring what secure people think of us. If one is insecure, anything they share about us is invalid. They have no stance to share with us.  For someone who is secure, they are not going to share anything to make themselves feel better so their opinions are what we should care about. Have the right role model.  Do that which is important.  We cannot do everything.  Accept that that which is less important will not get done.

Lower perspective – Sleep earlier and wake up earlier. The intellect is more potent in the morning and gets the important work done.

Question 2

In certain situations, we feel lightheartedness externally but we are affected by the negative situation and internalize the negativity which may blow up later. 

A –  Start light heartedness externally.  That means living more simply.  Tease yourself more.  We will observe that the whole circumstance is positive.  We learn to laugh at ourselves.  This will lead us to titiksha which means to absorb.  Where there is change, there is conflict.  We have to absorb what comes from the conflict.  Nurture the titiksha and realize this is how people are.  They are racist, mean, judgemental, competitive etc.  If we know a person is like that, we absorb that. Interacting with a therapist is very important.  However, eventually when one feels they are strong enough, we should be able to navigate the negativity by ourselves.  With titiksha and a strong intellect we can cut away what is not important and hold on to that which is important by ourselves.

Question 3

How do we balance being lighthearted and being responsible?  

A – Higher perspective – Purpose of life is to be joyous.  Expression of being joyous is being lighthearted.  Even if people are irresponsible (in a meaningful way) but are joyous, then let it be as they are tuned into the purpose.  

Lower perspective – pick and choose what we are going to guide our family with. Everything that we think and say is not important.  If there is intense irresponsibility, then bring it up.  If someone is not resonating with what our sense of responsibility is, then let it go. 

Last month’s RAW:

  1. Dec 16 – 22: Go for a 30 minute walk or run by yourself, without use of any electronic device during this time. 

Vivekji’s observation – This is a gauge of how comfortable we are with ourselves. Those who cannot live without a gadget are not comfortable with themselves.  

  1. Dec 23 – 29: Sleep by 9pm and sleep on the floor using only a makeshift bed / pillow / blanket. 

Vivekji’s observation – this is a gauge of how quiet our mind is.  Those with a quiet mind can sleep in any context.  

  1. Dec 30 – Jan 6: Pick a food or drink that you consume too often or excessively and fast from it without exception. 

Vivekji’s observation:  If we don’t direct our senses and body, we will be controlled by our senses and our bodies.  No one is physically making us eat or drink this.

  1. Jan 6 – 12: Refrain from looking at yourself in a mirror.

Vivekji’s Observation:  This face that we are looking at is called annamaya.  It’s filled with food.  Observation is that ⅓ of the time in a day, we are not the body.  When we are dreaming and sleeping, we don’t know we are the body. So why invest so much in that we are not.  


  1. Count how many people you talk to face to face. Observe how you interact with different people.
  2. Pick a good joke and tell the same joke to a new person each day.
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