Being Courageous

Quote: “Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss

We learned about being courageous, and standing out of the crowd (being unique). People who stand out of the crowd, are being who they are, and not trying to be someone else. A courageous person is someone who is confident in themselves, and open to trying new opportunities. A way to practice this is to not have any likes or dislikes. If you live relying on your likes and dislikes, you will become afraid (opposite of courageous). Another way to be courageous, is to give attention to ourselves (self-attention).


Face a wall, and practice self-attention. Stare at the wall, and remember that you are important. If you feel this is confusing and boring, it is because you rely on outside attention.


Q. How do you tell if a vampire is sick?

A. They are always coffin.

Q. If a rooster is at the top of the barn, and if an egg is laid, which way did the egg roll?

A. Nowhere, because roosters do not lay eggs.

Q. Which flowers like to kiss the most?

A. Tulips (as in two lips).

Q. What do you call a Karen in Europe?

A. An American.

Dad joke:

I asked my cat, what is two minus two. She said nothing. :’)

Q & A:

Q. How do you make a birthday less about you?

  • Firstly, try to create light, not darkness.
  • Secondly, focus on giving, rather than getting. Also, make your birthday less materialistic. Instead, you can donate to organizations, which are trying to help the society. That way you are focusing on giving to others, rather than receiving materialistic presents for yourself.

R.A.M (Reflection Adventure of the Month):

Everytime you are complimented, look up. Every time you are criticized, look down.


Notes by Sidh Sridhar

This week we had Captain Vivekji for our teacher. We started class by talking about being courageous.

Courageous person — someone who tries.

A way to be courageous is if we do what we don’t want to do. When we live by likes and dislikes we start being afraid. One way on how not to give in to likes and dislikes is to give yourself attention. For a practice we had to get up and stare at a wall.While staring at the wall we pay attention to ourselves. If we were bored during the time then that means that you have developed a habit of needing outside attention rather than inside attention.


Q. How do you tell if a vampire is sick?

A. They are always in a coffin!

Q. If a rooster laid an egg which way would the egg roll.

A. Nowhere a rooster doesn’t lay eggs.

Q. Which flowers like to kiss the most

A. Tulips.


I asked my cat what is two minus two. My cat said nothing.

Q. What do you call a Karen in europe.

A. American.

Q & A

Q. How do you make a birthday less about you.

A. 1. Give gifts instead of taking gifts.

2. Go donate to a charity on your birthday.

Q. Why did Rama abandon Sita.

Some narrow minded People in the kingdom thought that Rama shouldn’t let Sita stay in the kingdom if she stayed in someone else’s house. Rama because of that he asked Lakshmana to take Sita to Valmiki’s ashram. Now all the negativity goes to himself.


If you are complimented you should look up and if you are criticised then you look down.

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