Being Courageous

Vivekji started class with a quote by his favorite author, Dr. Suess — “Why fit in, when you are born to stand out?”

He asked us a few questions to reflect on —

  • Think about someone you know who stands out compared to everyone else.
  • Who stands out to you?
  • Why do they stand out?

They stand out because they are courageous. Somebody that is courageous, is the one who tries. Someone who is not courageous does only what they want to do. When you keep doing what you are comfortable doing, slowly one starts to become fearful. Courageous people do not have strong likes and dislikes and they do not always think of what other think about them.


Vivekji said that most people want attention from other people, and that if you want attention, practice Self attention. Self attention is when you give attention to yourself.

We sat facing a wall and thought about why we are important. We gave ourselves attention.

Jokes & Riddles!

Answers at bottom

Q. How can you tell if a Vampire’s sick?

A. Because he’s always “Coffin”!!

Q. A Rooster is sitting on top of the barn. It lays an egg. Which way will the egg fall?

A. Nowhere, Roosters don’t lay eggs!!

Q. Which flower kisses most?

A. Tu — lip

Q. I asked my cat, what is 2–2? What did the cat say back?

A. Nothing, Cats don’t speak. (Dad joke)

Q.Study this carefully- Are you as bored as I am?

A. Are you as bored as I am, backwards, is : Am I as bored as you are!!!


This week’s RAM is that when someone compliments you, look up. But when somebody criticizes you, look down.

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