

ātman  → brahman → mokṣa

May 19, 2022 – Class Notes by Juie Deo Introduction Society is results- and utility-oriented which is an attitude of using. If we use a person, it makes us users of that person and that is an unhealthy attitude. We…

aum → sat → cit → ananda

May 12, 2022 – Class Notes by Prema Palaniappan Introduction Bhagavan Krishna has shared with us ‘mama māyā duratyayā’ which means to free ourselves of our maya is extremely difficult.  Yet in a community this feels possible and is possible. …

śama →  dama → uparama

March 31, 2022 – Class Notes by Siddharth Kashinath Introduction Suppose we rewind to August 2021, what would you re-name this course? Vivekji’s observation is that Sadhana to Saadhya would be a befitting alternative name (in a heavier sense) for…