Prema P

Prema P

Applied Gita – Week 1 (9/12/2019)

Vivekji started the class by setting up the stage for why we are engaged in the study of our own Self. He recounted the story of Rishi Narada and his older brother Sanata kumara from Chandogya Upanishad. After being prompted…

Meditation in Life: Chapter 13

Introduction:In the original Bhagavata, Bhagavan Brahma (the student) asks Bhagavan Narayana (the teacher), “Who am I?”. In the known Bhagavatam, Raja Parikshita (the student) asks Rishi Shuka (the teacher), “What should I do?” In the first 2 slokas of Bhagavatam,…

Applied Gita Discussion Subject

Weekly Discussion Subject September 2019 — ‘Evolving’ Week 1–Sep 12, 2019 Discussion SubjectWhy is Vedanta impractical? Week 2–Sep 19, 2019 Discussion SubjectWhat is the utility of not being materialistic? Week 3–Sep 26, 2019 Discussion SubjectHow do we know we are…