Prema P

Prema P

DDV: Verse 15

A ‘searcher’ is one who is looking for happiness outside of oneself — the world is real. A ‘seeker’ looks for happiness inside of oneself — the world is unreal. For a ‘seer’ (Drk), one who is happiness — the…

Develop a Vision

Today’s class — Practice New Year’s Resolution Resolution means setting goals for yourself and things you want to achieve this year. Today we will set 5 goals for the year. Our goal needs to be specific and clear. Improvement goal — Think…

Develop a Vision

This week instead of having a new year’s resolution we planned our vision boards. We were required to have four different goals for our vision board. 1. Improvement Goal- Something we want to improve on through the year e.g. improve reading…

Living in the Divine

Vedanta in Bhagavata — the word Veda means science, and Anta is inside. Bhagavata means the one who is most virtuous. So the science of knowing inside of ourselves, gives us the potential to be most virtuous. Vedanta in Bhagavata…

Being Courageous

Quote: “Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?” — Dr. Seuss We learned about being courageous, and standing out of the crowd (being unique). People who stand out of the crowd, are being who they are, and not…

Being Courageous

Vivekji started class with a quote by his favorite author, Dr. Suess — “Why fit in, when you are born to stand out?” He asked us a few questions to reflect on — Think about someone you know who stands out…

Ramacharitha Manas & BMI chart

Summary of last session (December 19) by Shri. Mohan Khandekar ji. Shri Vijayji reviewed the five topics of Ramcharitmanas covered so far. 1. Explanation of the initial Prarthana: Akshar (अक्षर) which means the one without kshar (क्षर) or imperishable. He further…

What is Reincarnation

Introduction Sri Ramakrishna has taught that whatever you have done, whatever you are doing and whatever you will do that is not for peace is a 0. You have accumulated 0 and the future will be no different. Sri Ramakrishna’s…

Tulsidas ji and Sri Rama’s Glories

Summary of last session (November 28) by Shri. Mohad Khandekar ji. 7:1 Sant Tulsidas offers pranam to four sources from where a jiva is born, namely Swedaj (स्वेदज)=WaterAndaj (अंडज)= EggUdbhij (उद्भिज)=SeedJarayuj (जरायुज)= Stomach Shri Vijayji then discussed our five senses followed by discussion of…