

Week 3: Debate

By Dwija Ramesh Recap: Last week, we talked about Dharma and how it means to integrate and uphold This is the essential nature of a thing. Discourse: In today’s class, we had a debate. Each team had 10 minutes to…

Week 2: Dharma

Notes by Dwija Ramesh Recap: 2 weeks ago, we talked about the Bhagavad Gita – a text on one who is wise that has lived life well – so that we can live well. When we discussed this manual of…

Power Hour RAWs – 2021-22

Hari Om! Every week, we’ll be updating this post with the Reflection Adventure of the Week. We encourage you to reflect + respond in the comments below. RAW for Week 19 (02/14/22): Count how many people you talk to face-to-face…

Week 1 Notes

September 13th 2021 | Notes by Dwija Ramesh Discourse: We started with an activity where Sumanji showed us a long piece of rock with notches in it and put us into breakout rooms to talk about what the object could…

Guided Silence: 10th SILENCE Retreat

54 seekers of all ages from around the world had the incredible opportunity to experience SILENCE for 60 hours guided by Vivekji virtually. Throughout the “Re-treat” seekers committed to a vow of SILENCE, no technology, reading, writing or rituals to…

Corona Vs. CommUnity

We can all recall the uncertainty of the early days of the coronavirus challenge with vivid clarity. And yet. Amidst tremendous challenge, emerged extraordinary opportunity. We are moved to share that since April 2020, our CommUnity has come together to…

May Day for Bharat

Faith grows wherever we direct our focus. Our CommUnity has focused on the critical need of the moment in Bharat and, in turn, raised both Faith and funds. In six days alone – starting April 27 – our incredible CommUnity…