Week 14: Looking Back
Notes by Dwija January 10th, 2022 Review: Class 1: Why do things come with manuals? So that we know how to use the material and if something goes wrong, we can figure out how to fix it so it can…
Notes by Dwija January 10th, 2022 Review: Class 1: Why do things come with manuals? So that we know how to use the material and if something goes wrong, we can figure out how to fix it so it can…
by Rasshmi Shankar, Washington D.C. We have now completed one year of the Wellness Mentorship Program launched by Shri Vivek, the resident guide of Chinmaya Niagara and a team of Chinmaya Setu Karis in North America. The program connected approximately…
Notes by Dwija Ramesh Review: We must have balance in order to grow on the outside as well as inside. Developing this has to be done through intelligent self-restraint, with understanding. We looked at Shreyas and Preyas, long term versus…
Review: Review from 3 weeks ago: Titiksha – fortitude Life is just a number of mental, physical and intellectual changes We react to these changes with the 3C’s — complaining, criticizing, and crying By having fortitude, we do not react…
We joined The Happiness Series with the rest of our CommUnity!
Notes by Mahathi Yathiraju Ant Philosophy Part 1 What do ants do when you try to obstruct their path with your finger? They go over or around it! Never give up! Ant Philosophy Part 2 What are ants doing in…
Discourse: We had class with Shankarji today!!!! What is Vairagya? Cheerful acceptance….but what is acceptance? Acceptance is to be able to keep moving forward. At the highest level, acceptance is when we no longer seek to change something. We no…
Notes by Dwija Ramesh Discourse: Virtue for today: Titiksha – fortitude Life is nothing more than a series of experiences. How we meet these determine if they are challenges or learning experiences. These come at us at three levels. Physical …
By Ramya Kailas Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s grand vision was the revival of Indian culture. The cornerstone of this vision was a higher learning institution that would revive Indian knowledge coupled with modern technology and educational approaches. With this in…
Notes by Mahathi Yathiraju Last week review: The 3 Ps: Possess less (want for less – example: gratitude journal) Plan more (be prepared – example: use a planner to plan out your day) Perform right action (example–associate with the wise)…