

Living the Gita RAWs

RAW for Week 1 — Sep 17, 2020 Print out Prince Arjuna’s Questions. Read, write, and complete reflections. RAW for Week 2 — Sep 24, 2020 Whenever your mind is disturbed — drink a glass of water and feel that it is calming your mind. If…

Week 7: Action for Evolution (Part 2)

Notes by Arnav Chugh RECAP: Reflections/Summary/Key points from previous week’s Class: We have been studying the science of right action Begins with rising to our responsibilities Responsibilities are opportunities for self-development Responsibilities are opportunities: Responsibilities come unasked with age Responsibilities are…

Raga to Viraga to Anuraga

In our culture, we have four birthdays. Bhagavan’s birthday is the most important and we tend to celebrate it around Maha-Shivarati. Second is our Shastra’s birthday and we tend to celebrate that during Gita Jayanti. Third birthday is our Sadguru’s…

He is MINE

When the ends are clear, the means become clear. When the end is not clear, neither is the means. In the study of Bhakti, there are two frameworks – Shanta Bhakti — when we have the feeling that ‘I am His’ or…

Invoking Devi, Elevating HERstory

In North America, 1 in 4 women experience domestic violence in their lifetime. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of cases has only increased, affecting the wellbeing of women and children alike. Troubled by these rising trends…

Week 5: Action for Evolution

By: Arnav Chugh and Saadhvi Mamidi Notes by Arnav: Reflections/Summary/Key points from previous week’s Class: The “how” of the science of right action Reign in senses with the mind itself Engage our mind with the purpose Letting go of the outcomes Responsibilities are…

Hold onto Divine Katha

Vivekji started by re-reading the verse from Skanda 10:5:4 about purity: Objects gain purity by the passage of time or kala Bodies gain purity by snana or bathing Places become pure by shoucha or cleaning Actions become pure through samskaras…