

Devi Sanga RAMs

Reflection Adventures of the Month (RAM) for the monthly Devi Sanga classes. Devi Sanga RAM — January 2023Identify one person who has changed your life and try to measure up to them. Devi Sanga RAM — December 2022Sit outside every day for 15 minutes…

Japa in Practice

Paradukham sheetalam: para — others, dukha — sorrow, sheetala — cool. This saying implies that we get heated up over our own sorrows, but are not affected by others sorrows. We are always asking others for articles or advice. We would shock ourselves if we were…

Living with Divinity

Our personalities can be classified based on the framework below – Those who are liberated Those who want to be liberated Those who Do Not want to be liberated For all the three personalities, Srimad Bhagavata is fulfilling who we…

Week 11: The Conditioning of Experience

Notes by: Saadhvi Mamidi Review from last week: In all different experiences, the experiencer stays the same B(ody) M(ind) I(ntellect) P(erceives) F(eels) T(hinks) → eternal subject (experiencer) O(bjects) E(motions) T(houghts) This week’s question: What makes our BMIs unique? Our vasanas! (developing tendencies)…

Acknowledge Generously

How do we know we are studying Vedanta in Bhagavata? How would we gauge that we are actually becoming more like Bhagavan Krshna? When we feel less belongs to us, starting with less articles which becomes training for less circumstances,…

Week 9: Review

Notes by Saadhvi Mamidi A review of our past 8 weeks Week 1: Worldview and Karma What you have at birth = god’s gift What you do with what you’re given = your gift to the world Hallmark of life = action…