Anvita Mishra

Anvita Mishra

Dama — Being in Control

January 29, 2020 Notes by Dhruva Shreejay Review We started class with a review of the story of Dhruva and the value of Vrata— being determined. Story Vivekji told us a story about Vali, the leader of the monkeys. All the…

Vrata — Being Determined

January 22, 2020 Notes by Aditya Mahes What is the difference for Event and movement? An event has a start and stop time. A movement has a start but no finish You need to have strength (Tapa) to have movement…

Vrata — Being Determined

January 22, 2020 Notes by Ambika Mishra Review – Vivekji started the class with a question — what is the difference between an ‘event’ and a ‘movement’? The difference is that an event starts and it stops. A movement, on…

Tapa — Being Strong

January 15, 2020 Notes by Ira Mehta Review of last week – Honesty is the best policy – When you’re honest, matters are much simpler This week – Value is Tapa~ being strong – Short story about Swami Chinmayananda –…

Japa – Being Honest

January 8, 2020 Notes by Dhruva Shreejay Review We started class with Vivekji asking us — Why we do what we do? 1. Dukha nivritti — absence of pain: Because we don’t want to feel bad 2. Sukha prapti — presence of peace: Because…

Preeti — Being Accepting

December 11, 2019 Notes by Dhruva Shreejay We started class with Vivekji asking us a riddle — “What do you see everywhere and helps you see everywhere?” Vivekji gave us a clue and told us you see it when you’re brushing…

Preeti — Being Accepting

December 11, 2019 Notes by Arjun Mahes Review from last week When you are most natural you are most strong. Else, you are weak This week’s value — Being Accepting 1- Acceptance is accepting whatever is in front of you.…

Sarala- Being Natural/ Simple

November 20, 2019 Notes by Aditya Makes Review from last week – The Law of the Jungle — “Might is Right’’ (Muscles > Brain) The Law of Society — “Right is might” (Brain > Muscles) This week’s value- Be Natural…

Sarala- Being Natural/ Simple

November 20, 2019 Notes by Ambika Mishra Review of last class- We checked out the difference between law of jungle and law of society. Law of jungle is- “might is right” which means muscles are more powerful than the brain.…