August 2023: Prthvi’s Community Voices

Article 18: Prthvi Seva Guide Review

by Prthvi Seva Guide team & CommUnity

Success Stories

Turning Chinmaya Mission Portland Facility Green

Kishore Pathial, President, Chinmaya Mission Portland

As stewards of our planet, all of us are responsible for nourishing, enriching and protecting our mother Earth. Even as having our own facility is a blessing from our Gurus and the Lord, we feel strongly that we should safeguard our resources not only for us but for successive generations

While we have to consume power for our facility, we sought to find solutions that would mitigate our impact. Towards this, we initiated discussion with our local utilities providers. They, along with the Energy Trust of Oregon, were able to help us retrofit the entire building with maximally efficient lighting. Further, to optimize our heating and cooling energy consumption, we retrofitted the entire building with smart thermostats so that our energy usage was minimal. We have also done energy surveys of our building and kept our HVAC units functioning at peak efficiency to minimize consumption. As part of our recycling efforts we have been recycling and reusing all consumables  maximally.

We are continuing to try and live up to the Chinmaya Mission Pledge given to us by Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda by “producing more than what we consume and giving more than what we take” . These are our efforts towards helping the entire Chinmaya Family live in Harmony with their surroundings while helping the next generation of Bala Vihar students understand their roles in our world and the positive impact that they can bring by their thoughts and actions.

Action to Implement

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🌱 August 2023: (1) Download the Prthvi Seva guide. (2) Choose an idea from the guide to try before the workshop

Introduction to our Prthvi Community Workshop

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