August 2022: Prthvi Seva Guide


Article 8: Prthvi Seva Guide

by Prthvi Seva Guide team & CommUnity

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🌱 August 2022: This month, read the Prthvi Seva Guide & commit to at least one practice to make your center/community more sustainable.

August PS Workshop

CommUnity Reflections

For some years now, my family has been trying to reduce our climate footprint – reducing our trash, composting, using renewable energy, etc. But we knew we could do more.

Our effort multiplied when we joined some friends at Chinmaya Mission Portland to form the Prthvi Sevasanga, with Vivekji’s guidance. Now we were making an impact in our community!

With the Prthvi Seva Guide, ideas and learnings from the Chinmaya Mission family are available as an easy to follow manual. With so many ideas, every one of us has something to choose from – our own sprints in this relay. It is impressive to see many kids leading the way. I also like that the Prthvi Seva Guide follows the Chinmaya Mission pledge. What better way to walk the talk than to work towards solving the most important problem of our times, as one family.

~Meera S Nair

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