Asteya – Non Stealing

Nov 22, 2023

Notes by Saaya Bhakta


A little boy who experienced the world differently than we do as couldn’t see and asked others to lend him a hand. He was holding a sign saying he was blind. A new passerby changed the sign to say, “It’s a beautiful day and I can’t see it. He helped others realize all the things they took for granted. They felt fortunate and they smiled and felt like giving more to this boy. 

Last week RAW

Start a gratitude jar. 


A boy named Bhima. Bhima was in a busy marketplace. The place was vibrant with stalls and kids running around. Bhima was very mischievous. He was always up to something. His pockets were always filled with something. Bhima was eyeing a shiny red apple in this Vendor’s cart. He wanted to eat it. It was beautiful and his mouth was watering. He couldn’t resist and so he stole the apple. He slipped it into his pocket and walked away. He was excited. At the same time, he felt guilty and heavy in his chest. He has never stolen anything before. He couldn’t shake this discomfort feeling away. He was sad about his actions. All of a sudden he noticed an elderly woman who looked worried and hungry. Bhima felt sad for her and thought about the apple he had. He felt bad for the vendor he stole from but also the older lady. He went and offered the red apple to the old lady. He told the lady that he stole the apple and feels bad about it but he wanted her to have it. The old lady smiled and said that is so sweet of you and took the red apple from Bhima. Bhima returned to the vendor and told him what he had done. The shopkeeper was angry initially but happy with the boys’ decision. He asked Bhima to go with him and gather more food. Then they gave that old lady 1 week’s worth of food. 


What stealing is and practice not stealing. 

2 ways to avoid this:

  1.  Practice not stealing through comparing. Stop comparing ourselves to others. We overlook what we have- what we are good at. We rob the world of the gift we have.
  2. Greed – just like stealing. 

Raw for next week: Create 2 columns – One column of what you want and the other is what you need. Write 2-3 things you want and 2-3 things you need daily. 

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