Answer a Question!

May 3, 2021

Notes by Sanna Luthra

Today’s class was a question and answer session, where Shankarji asks the class/students for their input on the answer to his questions. 

Question & Answer

 Shankarji – How do you cope with uncertainty and negativity?


  • Input positivity, output negativity
  • Journaling
  • Prayers
  • Reading
  • Drawing
  • Talk to family & friends

Shankarji -What is the most important quality of a parent?


  • Responsibility
  • Understanding 
  • Fun 
  • Help kids grow, suggest improvements

Shankarji – Is it more important for your parents to be your friend or more in the disciplining area? Or is it in between?


  • in between
  • Need some fun, but also some discipline

Shankarji – Should parents allow the children to make their own decisions, or should they make the decisions for them/force them to follow the parent’s suggestion? 


  • let kids make their own decisions
  • let children make mistakes and learn from them
  • give children space, but if in a severe scenario, that could lead kid to danger, parents should guide them and insist for them to follow the parent’s suggestion


Try to memorize all the virtues we learned this semester. 


Notes by Sidh Sridhar

This week we had a Q and A session. This class was different because Captain Shankar ji asked the questions.

Shankarji – What are some strategies that help you cope with negative surroundings.

Students – Think of what you are grateful for, write in a journal, talk to family, think of the positive and take a step away.

Shankarji – What is the most important quality of a parent?

Students – responsible, fun, caring, understanding, honesty, encouragement.

Shankarji – Is it more important for your parents to be fun or strict?

Students – A middle ground.Parents should be more strict than fun.

Shankarji – Should parents give children the room to make mistakes?

Students – They should let us make our own decisions. If we don’t make mistakes we then won’t know what will happen if they make a mistake.

Shankarji – What if our parents feel that our friends aren’t good company.

Students – If the friends are doing really bad stuff then your parents should force it. If your friends are ok then just let them be.

Shankarji Were there any topics you wanted to cover?

Students – What dharma really is


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Memorize all the virtues we learned this semester. 

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