Amana (Being Quiet) and Amada (Being Mindful)

April 29, 2020

Notes by Aditya Mahes

Today’s Value(s): Amana, Amada — To be quiet, To be mindful

Shri Ramana

Shri Ramana, in a mandir, had focused completely on what was important. He focused on happiness and was enlightened. People from all over the world had come to see him with confusions and/or disease in mind. But, when they come close to him, his presence washed away all the confusions, unhappiness, and negativity. The visitors would also ask questions about their life, and what not. But it only took a couple words “Who are you?” from Shri Ramana for them to realize that they were much more than their body and mind. It made them realize what was relevant and what was irrelevant. Shri Ramana also lived in the jungle with the animals and connected with them too!

We can learn 2 values from Shri Ramana. Amana(To be quiet) and Amata(To be mindful)

Mana(Opposite of Amana)- Ego

  • People with mana always talk about “I”
  • They hear others but they don’t listen.
  • Why? Because when they’re distracted, they don’t take anything in front of them relevant.

Amada — To be mindful

  • This is to realize everything you are and have isn’t because of you only
  • Interdependence Ex. You’re dependent on your parents for almost everything.
  • This also means, you shouldn’t need something else to be happy.
  • The happiness is inside of you.

Practice: Walk around your house and look at the photographs hanging on the walls. Watch and take in the details for 5 entire seconds.

Have you noticed such detail before?


Notes By Laasya Kommineni

Recap: Last week we learned about the importance of perspective, and the values we learned were to be relevant and to be modest.

This week’s story

When Sree Ramana was around our age he was enlightened, and millions would come to him scared and unhappy. However when they became closer to him they became happier.

Have you ever experienced an awkward silence? The silence is only awkward if you make it awkward.

This week’s values:

Amana — be quiet & amadha — be mindful

mana — ego & madha — arrogance


Signs of Being Egotistical

– never listen, you/they hear but you/they don’t listen

– only talk about yourself/themself

Only talk about yourself when it’s necessary. (Ex: job interview, when you meet someone new, etc.)


Everything you are and have is not because of you only.

Interdependence is okay but don’t be dependent on someone to be happy.


Look at every picture in the house for 5 seconds

RAW: Figure out how much you would pay for this class if it was like Kumon, sports, piano, etc. Then donate that amount (donation details will be sent to you by Anvitha Aunty in an email to your parents and yourself).

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