AGC Class Notes from Week 05 — October 10, 2019

Sanatana Dharma does not have a founder. It is wrongly known as Hinduism, the only “-ism” that should be associated with Sanatana Dharma is “universalism” which means it is open to anyone. Since not everyone is open to enjoying Sanatana Dharma, there are other religions in the world. The study group is a beautiful example, with its diversity. There is no conversion in Sanatana Dharma and if we had to assign conversion to our religion, it would be to convert values to virtues. The way to accomplish this conversion is by practice! By applying Gita in our lives, we are practicing this conversion.

September focused on evolving, getting unstuck. Once we have some space in our lives, we apply Gita for decision making, the focus for the month of October. The first verse towards this was Chapter 18 verse 37 where Bhagwan tells us that we should make decisions where happiness comes from inside of ourselves. Happiness originating from outside is temporary whereas Happiness from within is simply recognizing the happiness that was always there. One becomes independent thereby making us dependent on ourselves and becoming dependable. The sign of becoming independent is taking on commitments.

Chapter 4 Verse 39: When one has faith in themselves, they gain knowledge. In this verse, knowledge referred to is Ultimate, infinite knowledge. For our purpose, we will focus on the relative and consider this to be information. One who has faith in themselves, is able to process information. They are able to input and output in efficient and effective manner. Two words to encapsulate this are “Daksha” and “Kaushalam”. In Chapter 12, verse 16, Bhagwan talks about Daksha-decisive. People who have faith in themselves are more decisive. Kaushalam (Chapter 2)-decisiveness is leading to inner and outer purity. People with faith in themselves are able to be decisive and pure.

This is possible because their focus is on the highest and with coolness of mind (Shama). We can apply this when we feel enough of the alternatives. Someone with a cool mind doesn’t have many alternatives. They are looking at being a master and not jack of all trades. When you have less choice, your mind becomes cooler. The other way to be decisive and pure is practicing Damacontrol of senses (Samyate indriyah). This control has to come from within, not forced. In practical application, this can be interpreted as managing our expectations: Knowing that we cannot expect too much from our senses, knowing that we cannot expect fulfilment from sense pleasures. When we manage the expectations thus, then we start using the senses rather than being used by the senses.

One with faith invokes knowledge, one with knowledge invokes lasting peace. Practically speaking, we feel peace from inside when we make matters less personal, when we have less likes and dislikes. We are allowing ourselves to lose peace when we take things personal due to our likes and dislikes. These likes and dislikes own us. When one is working hard to let go likes and dislikes, one feels more confident. Confident personality is above such pettiness. To make a decision, confidence is critical. As we practice confidence, it will further express as commitment. One who has faith, invokes knowledge and one who invokes knowledge invokes confidence (before a decision is made) and commitment (after the decision is made). A committed person has faith in their decision, whether right or wrong. If right, their knowledge has come to fruition and if wrong, they learn and have patience that their knowledge will fructify at the right time. Bhagwan also tells Arjuna, regardless of whether he wins or loses the war, he will be considered a winner. By not committing to fight the war, he will be a loser in all planes.

Finally, Bhagwan Krishna assures Arjuna that he will experience this peace in no time but the conditions to achieve this are steadiness and sincerity. The only hindrance to us becoming committed is us not listening to ourselves, to God, to Guru. There are no other variables whatsoever!!!!

Gita is given to us by Vasudeva (light that lives in you). When we open our lives to this vision, we will attain peace immediately. A confident person doesn’t use the snooze button! He knows that there are no other doors, this is the only way out!

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