AGC Class Notes from Week 04— October 3, 2019

Studies have shown that most car accidents happen close to home in familiar territories, and the reason for that is because we “take for granted” the roads and drivers. Extrapolating this, the people we take for granted the most are our family members. Extrapolating this more, everyone of us is in the pursuit of happiness and looking for happiness with our eyes, completely taking for granted “what if we are already happiness”, then we have to close our eyes and rediscover that happiness. This is the vision of our course. We know we are not taking Bhagavad Gita for granted, when we become more cheerful and content, and our life becomes a song.

Recap: In September we focused on applying Gita when it comes to “evolving”. In verse 10 of chapter 13, Bhagavan Krishna tells us that we should find and enjoy alone time. Three steps to follow in our alone time are:

  1. Read (BhagavadGita for 10 mins), Write (journal on what we learnt for 10 mins) and Reflect (on how to apply for 10 mins).
  2. This should evolve to becoming a more “common sense” person. Someone with common sense knows that “we” should be the one uncreating our own stress. So in our alone time, we should start to make sense of our stress, anxiety and sadness.
  3. Ideation — Majority of us are lost in “implementation”. Ideation(intention) makes implementation worthwhile. In our alone time, we should let go of feeling busy.

In verse 36 of chapter 4, we are told to have “hope”, because our “creator” is looking out for us.We should learn not to take what we have done (mistakes) personally and ensure that we are around people who are trying to evolve.

In Srimad Bhagavatam, in the episode where the elephant is caught hold by crocodile, the elephant asks Bhagavan Hari for help. The Sudarshana chakra destroys the crocodile to free the elephant. Anyone who the Chakra touches is freed! The crocodile was freed even before the elephant was! So if we hold on to someone noble/virtuous, we will be free too! If we attach to one who is detached, we will be detached also!

This month the focus is on “deciding”.

Chapter 18 Verse 37: This shloka begins by describing how it feels difficult when we start something worthwhile. Swami Tejomayananda has shared that “all that is worthwhile in life is free” ! Example, to be able to sleep well, be healthy, to love and be loved is all “free”! Here Bhagavan is sharing that all that is worthwhile, is difficult (like Visha or poison) in the beginning. But in the end, it is like Amrutha (pure), and we feel free.

Vivekji shared 3 ways to develop resilience:

  1. Exercise (the more physically healthy we are, there is a greater chance to be mentally healthy)
  2. Examples (examples of people who are resilient, who make us feel it is possible by us also)
  3. Ethics (when people have defined ethics).

Similarly there are 3 ways on how to enjoy “difficulty” in the beginning of an activity/relationship keeping in mind that at the end it will be easier.

  1. Be clear about the ends.
  2. Role Models
  3. Patience (This is a fundamental building block on this journey)

Tamas is laziness. Tamasic Sukha is known as pain. When we are engaged in self destructing behavior and think we are happy, it is Tamasic Sukha. More evolved than this is Rajasic Sukha or pleasure (happiness from overeating, too much comfort and such). What is described in this Shloka is peace.This is Saathvik Sukham.

“Kham” means space and “SuKham” is good space. Good space should be in the mind. “Sattva” is a great symbol of what our nature is like! Peace is indicative of who you are — and this is shared by our Rishis. Sukham comes from “Atma Buddhi” , it comes from within oneself.

This shloka teaches us to shift our decision making from “Preya” (short term) to “Shreya” (Long-term — maximum happiness for maximum people for maximum time in maximum ways).

Be a long-term thinker! A great exercise to do is to analyse if we are an environmentalist! We need to take steps to be more environmentally conscious and then this shloka will come to life.

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