Starlit Reflections from Cleveland

– by Apaar Vijay

Between August 23-25, 2024, over 60 seekers gathered at Hiram House Camp in
Cleveland for a transformative family retreat, themed Recharging In Relationships, that
offered introspection and meaningful experiences for participants of all ages. It began
with a meaningful silent night hike under the stars surrounded by the sounds of nature,
setting a reflective tone for the weekend ahead.

Mornings were dedicated to silence, fostering deeper contemplation. Adults engaged in
guided introspection led by Vivekji, exploring layers beyond lifestyle, body, breath, and
mind. These sessions were followed by asana practice, preparing participants for the
day’s activities.

Discourses centered on Bhagavad Gita’s Chapter 16, Verse 2 provided practical insights
on transforming values into actionable practices. These knowledge sessions, led by
Vivekji, were complemented by youth programming tailored for children aged 3-16.
Prior to a hearty meal, families participated in rejuvenating games of soccer and handball,
learning to practice inner happiness regardless of external conditions like rain or shine.
Midday activities included creating engaging skits based on the values learned
throughout the retreat. These were later presented at an evening bonfire, accompanied by
bhajans and meaningful reflection.

The retreat provided a balanced mix of learning, reflection, and simply getting to “be” in
nature. Participants of all ages found opportunities for growth, from children engaging in
unique reflective activities to adults diving into deeper concepts. The weekend offered a
rare chance for families to step back from daily routines and focus on personal and
spiritual development in a supportive, nature-rich environment. The team is excited to
welcome even more seekers next year!

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