What could be more meaningful than waking up each morning to the melody of Shri Krishna Līla?
We often sleep in without a better reason to wake up and stay up late dreading the next day. How can we shift our vision and lifestyle to one of peace and positivity?
The wise have shown us that we must shift our dependency from context to content. Meaningful Mornings helps us to orient our lives around self-development, with a vision for simple living and high thinking. The timeless insights are relatable for new and practiced seekers alike.
Since Meaningful Mornings was initiated in March 2020, the outset of the current public health challenge, hundreds of seekers from across the world have started their days with Vivekji to invoke greater clarity, conviction, and confidence.
Re-commencing on September 7th, 2024!
📖 7:30a – 7:45a ET (Reading with CommUnity)
🗣️ 7:45a – 8:00a ET (Listening to Shri Krishna’s life and teachings with Vivekji)
Each morning, we will start with reading “No Visible Bruises” by Rachel Louise Snyder from Nov 1st to Nov 30th as part of Efforts for Her Story. Sign up to give your time towards feeling and empathizing with women impacted by domestic violence.