Spiritual Parenting in Seattle

The Spiritual Parenting Retreat was conducted in scenic Seattle, Feb 16-18, 2024 with over 120 adults and children participating under the guidance of Vivekji. The theme of the retreat was the Vision of Courage, facilitated using Vibhishana Gita. Lord Rama’s description of His mental chariot consisting of twelve qualities to fight Ravana was discussed in the context of twelve qualities to renounce to evolve from a parent/caregiver to Spiritual parent/caregiver.

Vivekji’s engagement followed a 4-D pattern (Discourse, Discussion, Dynamics, and Dialogue), which encouraged audience participation and helped practice the ideas from the discourse. The participants did several group and individual activities for reflection, and improvement. Vivekji emphasized time management to help prioritize things that matter and allocating time for exercising the body, mind, and intellect. Children session also used Vibhishana Gita as reference, leading to engaging family discussions after the retreat. 

During the retreat in addition to inspiring satsangs on Vibhishana Gita, meaningful discussions and dialogue, participants engaged in contemplation and guided meditation, high-energy sports sessions, age appropriate activities for children K-12, movie night, and delectable nourishment. 

On the morning of Feb 18th, 23 participants which included children and adults participated in the Aksharabhyasam samskara. The vedic rituals were facilitated by Balaji.K under the guidance of Vivekji, who shared the significance of the rituals.

Retreat attendees experienced immense gratitude to guides for their priceless guidance and to all sevaks who made this retreat possible. Those who attended felt experiences like these cannot be put into words because the energy and inspiration in the room was contagious!

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