The Art of Intention: August 11-13

On the weekend of August 11th, almost 35 CHYKs and CHSKs gathered in the ashram in Andover, MA to begin the 6th annual Boston Retreat led by Vivekji and Shankarji. They were also blessed with a special appearance with CM Boston’s own Guide, Shashiji. The retreat’s theme was the Art of Intention with a focus on the yamas. Throughout the weekend, Vivekji described the five yamas or “don’ts” (ahimsa – non harming, aparigraha – non possessing, brahmacharya – non indulging, astaya – non-arrogating, and satya – non-compromising) and
seekers were encouraged to individually reflect as to how intensely they do or don’t possess these qualities already.

Interspersed with satsangs and dialogues, where very meaningful questions were asked and answered, seekers participated in various group discussions with both people within their own age group as well as a more mixed group. These “formal” aspects of the retreat strongly touched on practical advice about making career choices, forming and sustaining relationships, and forging a path to acceptance. Seekers explored the topic of sustainability while walking by Lake Cochichewick in North Andover, MA and intentionally observed one piece of art, chosen by each seeker, for over twenty minutes. They also participated in an activity promoting the Mentorship program in which one mentor/mentee pair talked about the benefits of their relationship and other seekers explored their own vulnerability and shared about topics that were meaningful to them.

A spirited game of soccer was played (featuring one match up between the CHYKs and CHSKs guides) and environmentally conscious meals were shared with an emphasis on reducing waste (both food and plastic). Near closing, seekers were requested to come up with three goals for the year and to create a plan to meet as a discussion group (either in person or virtually) for accountability on these goals and other intentions mentioned throughout the weekend. The retreat was brought to a close with some intentional seva within the ashram where the seekers stayed to restore it to its previous state and prepare the center for the upcoming year.

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