Week 12: Sanatana Dharma

Notes by Dwija Ramesh


We must have balance in order to grow on the outside as well as inside. Developing this has to be done through intelligent self-restraint, with understanding. We looked at Shreyas and Preyas, long term versus short term thinking. Choosing Shreyas will help us develop that balance we need to have quality of life and standard of living.


Today, our class is on Sanatana Dharma.

Sanatana Dharma is perpetual self-development. 

If you just possess the knowledge to something and don’t apply it, it doesn’t really matter if you know it. We face expected and unexpected challenges everyday and their purpose is to help us grow. Just like evolution is a result of a challenge, we also face challenges to grow and develop further. We will never be given a challenge that we don’t have the ability to solve. 

In our lives, deadlines are what keeps us motivated. This makes us limitless till we meet that deadline. But after this deadline, our brains empty out. Too much of these deadlines makes us stressed and anxious. Therefore, we must learn how to work at a 100% of our capacity without these deadlines, just being independent. THis takes us from being limited by things(including deadlines) to limitless(go watch the movie otherwise Sumanji will be sad). We possess the potential to be happy and content ourselves.


In the past year, you would have faced many challenges. Take the next 7-8 minutes to think about 3 major challenges that you have faced and how you have evolved. 

The insight to be invoked for future challenges is that you have the choice to evolve. We have been evolving, why stop?


Last week’s RAW was: At the end of each day and your responsibilities, pretend that you only have your non-dominant hand.

We took away an appendage by choice. It is within our capacity to invoke our knowledge that all of this will pass. However, by having inner balance, I will be able to overcome any challenges.

This week’s RAW is: Each of us should chant the first and last verse of Bhagavad Gita every day. (First verse of Chapter 1 and last verse of Chapter 18)

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