Value Discipline

February 14 2024

Notes by Savitha Somnath Buono


Last week’s RAW was to note down when someone was being kind.


A group of monkeys were walking past a temple when they heard a sage say “It’s very good to fast on festival of Ekadashi” and so they decided to fast. On Ekadashi, while fasting and chatting about bananas, Lord Rama and apples and storytelling, a little monkey called Chichu said “Let’s get the food that we need for tomorrow when we break the fast.”

Some of the monkeys agreed and went with Chichu to a banana tree. There Chichu said “Let’s just pluck the bananas. We won’t eat them.”

The other monkeys agreed and they plucked some bananas. Then Chichu said “Let’s just peel the bananas so that we will be ready for tomorrow.”

The monkeys peeled the bananas and then Chichu said “These bananas are getting heavy and mushy in my hands. Let’s hold them in our mouths instead!”…..Oh no! That was the end of Chichu’s fast – Chichu had eaten the bananas!


We had to go and get our favorite snack before the story and keep it near us. After the story, some of us had eaten our snacks because we had gotten tempted as they were so close…..we were like Chichu! 

To help us not get tempted, we learned about the 3Rs:

R- Remove (the temptation)



RAW: Every time you’re tempted try 2 of the Rs; remove & resist.


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