Maina welcomes Shivji

Summary of last session (November 4) by Shri Mohan Khandekar

Shri Vijay ji started the session with a review of Choupahi 94:2, which describes people witnessing the procession who are happy to Shri Vishnu but scared to see Shiv ji. Vijay ji commented on how little we know about Bhagwan! Try to go beyond the name and the form and see the true nature (वृत्ती) of Ram.  What is वृत्ती? वर्तन इति वृत्ती.

94:3 The people who understand the true nature of the Bhagwan are called “Sayane” (सयाने). The word Balak (बालक) has two meanings.  One  meaning is a child and the other is immature. They think the wedding procession with so many “weird” participants belongs to Yamraj. (Vijay ji’s comments: only people with good karmas can be a part of this auspicious  procession and will achieve freedom from the cycle of death and birth.)Shri Vijay ji played an excerpt of the talk by Swami Gangeshanand ji on this portion of Ram Charit Manas to simplify our understanding.  Vijay ji continued with an explanation of the importance of marriage. These particular lines of the Choupahi describe the wedding process beautifully.  All  three, righteousness, emotions and devotion are embedded in them. Wedding is a cardinal ritual of Santan Dharma and needs to be taken seriously and with deeper understanding.

95:1 Describes the proper living arrangements and welcoming gestures of the wedding party, as per the laws laid out by our Scriptures.

95;2 The word Parichan (परिचन) means Pariksha  (परीक्षा). Maina, mother of the bride, welcomed the Groom with great enthusiasm and observed Him closely. She and other ladies accompanying her were not only disappointed but scared. 95:4 Maina, with great sadness expresses disappointment upon seeing Shiv ji. She is disheartened to see this mismatched pair.  Parvati being so beautiful and Shiv ji being so “different”.  She blames Vidhata for her misfortune.छंद :Disappointed Maina continues with her analogy.  The fruit, that was to be borne by a Kalpavruksha (कल्पवृक्ष) is now carried by Babul (बबूल) tree. She, in despair threatens to suicide in multiple ways, like jumping from a mountain, burning in a fire or drown herself in an ocean. She doesn’t care even if her name is “defamed” in the world.  “It may come to hell or heaven, I will not allow this wedding to proceed”, Maina angrily resolves. Tulsidas ji is trying to show a motherly love towards her daughter.

96:1 Maina, is irked at Narad who is Parvati’s and family’s Guru, for finalizing this marriage.  “My daughter was happily enjoying her life and Narad has now brought so much misery.  Why?, Why?? What have I done to you, Narad?”. She asks, exacerbated. 

96:2 Maina, points out Narad’s characters in this choupahi. Vijay ji elaborated hidden Siddhanta. The characters like Moha (delusion), Maya (attachment), Dhan (wealth), Ghar (House), Grahasthi (Householder) and Patni (wife) are bondage. Narad ji does not have any of these.  That’s why the word Udaseen (उदासीन) is used. However, Maina sees it differently.  She says “he doesn’t have a house of his own and he is out to destroy other houses”. She further uses another analogy to express her frustration.  “How can a barren woman know the pains of a pregnant woman”? she proclaims bitterly. 

Jai Shree Ram

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