Prioritization – Tapah

Class from Prayagraj on February 11, 2023

Vijayji share that We are Extremely sowbhagya to be having the class from this blessed sangam – Ganga (purity of knowledge – Jnana), Yamuna (purity of karma) and Saraswathy (purity of Bhakti, which is not evident plainly)

We are trying to understand the story behind Sati. When we learn scriptures, we come to know of a different perspective of things, inner meaning of things that we hear/see. For example, we keep hearing that Sati went into flames from – Agni kund. However, this is not an external flame/agni. It is called “yoga Agni” which doesn’t concern anything externally. It is a Shakti which is used to stop prana internally. 

Sati is born again as Uma, and then Vijayji gives the outline of the story that we are on currently. 

As and when we let go of our ego slowly in our lives, we start to see the grace of Bhagavan in evident ways. 

Vijayji emphasizes on Shraddha and Bhakti. With tapah, Lord Shiva helps one change (mrtyu). Coming back to the story, a child should always take care and make sure that his/her parents never have to bow their head down in shame. 

Scriptures guide us how to do tapah clearly in gradation. We slowly let go of our senses in a systematic way. Whatever we cannot do, our Guru helps us do this! In Satya Yuga, we didn’t even have to pluck fruits. If we sincerely fold our hands and ask for it, it would come to us. Shows the fall of humankind here throughout the yugas. 

 Vijayji then encourages us to keep working on our thoughts and direct it to Bhagavan (vritti to be changed!). When you have food, think of Bhagavan. When you don’t have food, think of Bhagavan as well!

When we head towards Bhagavan, the main three issues – avidya, kama and karma start reducing. 

75.1/75.2:  Bhagavan is “akama” – without desires. However, lord Shiva feels for Sati, like how a guru feels for a shishya when the shishya leaves him. When we get a chance to do tapah, we have choice to do or not. It is a test for us. For the time that we start tapah, it would be tough momentarily but our vairagya and Sadhana takes off in a different level.

75.3/75.4: He is the icon for vairagya. Shri Rama meets Lord Shiva and tells Him that the samsara has to run and people have to evolve and to keep it running. Shri Rama also tell him about Parvathyji and who is not like Sati. 

76: Shri Rama requests Him to marry Parvathyji. Shri Rama asks Lord Shiva to grant this boon to him.

Jai Shri Ram!

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