Karma Phala

Class Summary February 4, 2023

Vijayji starts by telling us that to understand anything, there are three kinds of meanings:

  1. Aadi Bhuta – Shabhaarth 
  2. Aadi Daiva – what does it mean in the higher sense (padaarth)
  3. Aadhyathmik – What it means to us

Aadidaiva Upasana is emphasized. Even this gets you phala. But, this brings in chittha shuddhi. 

Concept of mother and daughter is explained very well in Do. 72. How considerate the child (Uma) is here taking care of her mother. Same with the mother, how she is hesitant to ask Uma to go and do tapah.

How to do vrat is explained very clearly in these verses. When one does tapah in a sincere way, one elevates himself towards Bhagavan. 

73.1: One year of tapah is needed, minimum, to have any effect on a person. Withdrawing from sense objects, and sense organs, one has to put this effort with determination. The effort that you put with determination to think of the Lord, that’s what He wants to see in us. We should end the thoughts of bhoga.

73.2: For a thousand years, she lived on roots and fruits, then a hundred years on vegetables, then few days, lived on air and water. Indicating the control of senses. 

73.3: Later she started eating the dried leaves that fell on the ground for 3 thousand. All this indicates that one should put as little effort just to survive and put the rest of the energy in reflecting and contemplating on Bhagavan.

73.4: She then quit eating even the leaves completely. She is then called Aparna – living without leaves. Seeing her like this, there was an akashwani that sounded 

Do. 74: If you have a sattvic thought that comes to your mind, consider that as an akashwani and work towards it. In this doha, the akashwani asks Uma to stop this tapah as what she desires is accomplished. Lord Shiva will be hers. 

When we do a vrat, it is an upasana. It will bear results. Vijayji brings the importance of karma siddhanta. No one – even Devi and Devatas can’t deny this concept of karma. 

74.1: There are so many sages and rishis, however, no one has ever performed such austerities like Bhavani (Uma). If we have the determination to be like her, no one can stop us. We can and we all should do tapah. Tapah-Bala should be a part of us. 

Hard work is key. Keep doing adhyayan!!

74.2: The topic now changes to Lord Shiva. When sapta rishis come to see Uma, she will be able to confirm the akashwani. With Bhagavan in heart, Guru’s words in mind, following scriptures, we should keep going with tapah! 

74.3: Listen to charitra of Lord Shiva, who is so stubborn not to marry!

Vijayji ends the pravachan asking to share reflections from us.

Jai Shri Ram!

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