Happiness is Growth through Goals

January 18, 2023

Notes by Maya Raman


For our last class of 2022, we heard a story about a young man and a wise sage. The wise sage took the young man all the way to the river to help him get more wisdom. The point of this story is that if you have lots of self-effort you can accomplish anything as long as you put your mind to it.


Once there was a young man. He was seeking out more wisdom so he decided to go to a wise sage. This young man asked the sage, “How can I get more wisdom?” The sage responded, “Come with me”. The young man and the sage walked together to the ocean. The sage started to get into the water and the young man went with him. Both of them kept on walking into the water until the water was up to their shoulders. Suddenly, the sage pushed the young man into the water. The young man struggled desperately trying to breathe air. Before anything bad could happen to the young man the sage pulled him right back up. When the young man was above the water he angrily asked, “Why were you trying to hurt me?” “If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn’t have pulled you back up”, the sage said. “You wanted to breathe air so much, didn’t you? The same way you should want wisdom”. With that, the sage got out of the water, walked out of the water to the shore, and walked away.


As long as you work hard and put your mind to what you want to do, you can do anything.

Goals help you grow.


By lunch I will… (Set a goal)

By dinner I will… (Set a goal)

By breakfast I will… (Set a goal)


Notes by Naami Deo


Five weeks ago, we talked about the king who wanted to eat and sleep every day and all the time. That shows us that the king was very lazy and could not protect his kingdom properly. And the R.A.W. was when you want something, ask yourself, if you need it. 


Once there was a man, He asked the Swami “How can I get wisdom?” The Swami said “follow me.” So he followed Swami to a beach. He went knee deep, then stomach deep, then shoulder deep! Then the Swami pushed and held the man under the water. The man struggled really really hard to get air! Soon the Swami pulled him up. The man asked, “Why did you do that?” “Have you gone mad?” he yelled. 

The Swami replied, “If I wanted to harm you, I would never pull you up!” “So if you want to reach wisdom as much as you wanted air, then you will achieve wisdom.” Soon the Swami left the beach without saying bye. And then the man also left thinking about the Swami and what he said. 


To achieve a goal, you must put extraordinary efforts.We can start  in small steps.


The R.A.W. is to set 3 goals every day. Using the prompts

Before breakfast I will ________.

Before lunch I will ___________.

Before dinner I will ___________.

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