upāsanā → pāpa →puṇya → ṛṇa

October 21, 2021 Class Notes by Prema Palaniappan


Irrespective of how old we are, we have been taught to be the best in the world. This is an exhausting journey because there is no end. We have to unlearn that and learn to be the best for the world. We will be best for the world when we start to feel we are all in the world. When we can feel for someone else, we will know what is best for them. The vision of this course is Tat Tvam Asi. Tat is Infinity (Independent). Infinity is an icon of Independence. Tvam is you. Asi is are. Infinity you are. You are Independent. We are trying to learn Tat Tvam Asi by having greater insight into the words that philosophy uses. Language relating to Sanatana Dharma is profound. The more we can relate to the words, the more we can practice. Vedanta is like a mirror. As we look at our reflection and not the mirror, so too we need to know the words of Vedanta and not merely look at the book.


Step 14 – satsaṅga (nobility). We practice nobility by being more inclusive. Inclusivity is a trigger for integrity. If we are more inclusive with ourselves, the mind and action follows the decisions of the intellect. Integrity triggers ideally – our life starts to revolve around an ideal. Ideally becomes the trigger to Infinity/Sat. The trajectory for satsanga is Sat. That is why more corporations are involved with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Step 15 – śāstra (scripture). We have to learn to love our scriptures. Śāstra is the words of wise beings.  When we love the  śāstra, then we will learn. Else the śāstra will not be transformative and the śāstra then becomes a śastra that is a weapon which divides. So much of our education is on division.

Step 16 – Vedānta (spirituality). The two qualities that draw us  to another human are authenticity and depth. Veda means to know and anta means inside. Vedānta is to know inside life i.e. inside us. Vedānta is the most authentic and deep so we have a strong propensity to it.  Another meaning of veda is knowledge and anta means end; the end of knowledge which means once we internalize Vedānta, there is no thirst to want to know more. We have internalized happiness. A way to practice Vedānta is humility. For Vedānta to be impactful, we need a guide. We need the humility that we will follow the guidance given by the guide. That humility has to be extreme because Vedānta teaches us that we are all one.  If we are one, it can not be based on name and form. It is based on Life and we need to let go of individuality.


Step 17: upāsanā (emulate)  

Upa means near and āsanā means to sit. Upāsanā means to sit close. We want to sit close to someone when we can not see what they are seeing. In a secular sense, it is an internship. We can practice upāsanā by listening carefully to the teachings of one whom we respect. Deeper than that is knowing the lifestyle and life of that person.

Step 18:  pāpa (worldliness/extroversion)  

It comes from the word pāti which is to protect. Pāpa protects ignorance or avidya. Worldliness is going in the wrong direction. The more worldly we become, the less joyous we become. The practice is to slow down. This gives us the bandwidth to step back and to analyze our decision.

Step 19: puṇya (goodness/introversion)

It comes from the word punati which is to purify. When we purify ignorance, we thin ignorance out and start to remember how to be happy. The practice is to have sensitivity. Someone goes through sensitivity training because they may be sexist or racist. The sensitivity training that we can engage in is to be more compassionate and more empathetic. We think of ahimsa which is non-harming and limit it to physical  non-harming. We have to stop taking matters literally. We have to be more sensitive to help us with Oneness.  Puṇya can be practiced by being a suhrt, which is good or large-hearted. A sign of a large- hearted personality is one who has no external expectations.  We must have higher expectations of ourselves.   

Step 20:  ṛṇa (gift)

Sometimes ṛṇa is referred to as debt or a better meaning is gift. A gift is (i) given by another and (ii) is given with love. We need to reflect on who has gifted us and we need to give without expectation. The most important facets of our life have been given to us freely such as oxygen, values, etc. The practice is to be more grateful, which is expressed as generosity. We have been gifted and we must gift back as paying it forward.  We need to move toward prithvi sevasanga. Sanga is association and seva sanga is association with those who serve; prithvi sevasanga is association with those who serve our Divine Mother Earth. We need to organize ourselves to serve the earth.


Step 17: upāsanā. Practice: listen carefully to the teachings 

Step 18: pāpa. Practice: slow down 

Step 19: puṇya. Practice: be empathetic or sensitive

Step 20: ṛṇa. Practice: be more grateful

Debate subject

Which is better: introversion or extroversion?

Vivekji’s observation

The more an entity changes, the more aligned it is with adharma.  The less an entity changes, the more aligned it is with dharma.  Life never changes.  It is sad-dharma.  In line with discussion from last week, we know we are more than the body, mind, or  intellect by perpetually observing change so that we can tune into that which does not change.  


Q: Do we need a balance between being an extrovert and introvert?  In the recent COVID environment, we have kept kids and adults at home.  Suicide, depression, addiction and abuse have increased.  If we are meant to be introverts, why did that happen?

A:  We are not trained in ‘aloneness’. The balance is interdependence; Not dependence. We have to be more objective. We have to be interdependent on external matters for functionality but not for the Fundamental.  

RAW (from last week): Observe your relationship with social media. Are you dependent on it or is it a functional tool?  

Social media is a powerful tool for media i.e. we are sharing a perspective.  If we are dependent on social media for socializing, we will become dependent on validation or approval from it. We need to focus on the media part as it is a great tool to share.


Write down one act of service you performed and why you did that particular act.

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