Happiness is being Grateful

November 16, 2022

Notes by Arisha Gupta


Last week Sumanji told us a story about a time when there was a big forest fire. All the animals were running to find shelter but one bird. That one bird was trying to put out the fire. An owl saw what was happening and got inspired. He too started to put out the fire. When the rest of the animals saw this they also started to help put out the fire. The point of this story is you may not look capable enough to do something but with the right attitude you can.


This week Sumanji told us the story of a farmer who always complained about his farm. After some time he asked an agent to make an ad for his farm. The next day he was peacefully reading the newspaper and found an ad for the perfect farm/house! It had a nice river for fishing, it had a nice barn, well maintained grass, and nice cattle. He was very pleased. However when he read who made the ad he realizes it was the same agent he asked to make an ad for his house! When he reads the address he realizes it is his own farm! He called his agent to cancel his ad because his farm was all he needed.


Everything is perfect if you look at it the right way.

The less things you want the better.


Before bed we write 3 things we are grateful for.


Notes by Sahil Bhakta

Review from last week

Last week we put out forest fires with tiniest little bird.  The bird alone might not have been able but through efforts it was more than capable. How? By inspiring all those other creatures of the forest to help. 

Our last two classes we learned is realizing out potential through right attitude and efforts – meaning simply having the right attitude to do something isn’t enough. Thinking is not doing, doing is doing and with the right attitude and effort anything is possible. It’s the combination through which the universe takes notice of our sincerity. 


Once there was a farmer who had been living on the farm his whole life. This farmer, everyday complained about everything on the farm. He complained about lake having too many fish, too many hills on the farm. He couldn’t find the cows sometimes. He was tired by the end of the day and there was no light. He was so frustrated that he decided to sell the farm and move somewehre nice. He called a real estate agent and made plans to sell his farm. One morning he was enjoying his breakfast and looking at the news paper and he comes across a beautiful home on sale. A country home in and ideal location, quiet, peaceful location, clear blue lake with cat fish in it, grass is well kept, classic style red barn with flowers, wonderful cattle. This country home is just close enough to the near by town where he can run and get milk, and icecream and get home and not worry about lights and noise. He is smiling ear to ear. This is exactly what he is looking for. He read the ad second and third time before realizing at the bottom of the description who had listed this ad. It was the real estate agent he had hired to sell his own farm. He realized that it was his house. He call the real estate agent and said he had changed his mind and doesn’t want to sell it anymore. He realized he has been looking for something like this all his life.

Lesson from the story

Its very easy to complain about things. Sometimes we need to see things from other person’s perspective to see that what we have is not as bad as what we sometimes believe. We should be greatful for what we have. 

There is not enough stuff for everyone’s want, but there is enough stuff for everyone’s needs. 

Whenever you find yourself wanting, try to look around and acknowledge all the things you already have. This is what is called gratitue. 

Gratitude is the easiest way to be happy. Happy forever. Acknowledge what you have and want for less. 

Thanksgiving is all about acknowledging what you have everyday. 


Each day before bed. Write down 3 things you are greatful for. Keep it by your bed. First thing in the morning, read those 3 things again.  

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