
July 22, 2020

Notes by Shakthi Ananthanarayanan

Review of last week: Virtue is Endurance

* Replace any unpleasant situations to be pleasant.

* Practice — Cold shower.

How to make any relationships better? (Example: fighting, friction)

Virtue to work on is COMMUNICATION â€” it’s the most important skill when we are in public environment — when to interact with people.

Communication means when we listen and when we speak honest that’s a good communicator

Rules for how to speak (communication in general)

1. Always speak the truth

2. Speak nicely — Not trying to hurt other person

3. What you say has to be beneficial

Rules to Listening

1. First rule in listening is — Listen to understand rather than listen to Respond.

2. Listen as though the other person can teach you something.

Follow the rules to become a good communicator

– Don’t take what other people say personally. It’s not always about us. Assume they have the best intentions.

How do we communicate with parents?

1. We need to build our relationship with parents. Develop trust factor.

RAW â€” Go on a date and ask your parents in your conversation and ask 3 questions

1. Most embarrasing stories

2. What greatest lesson that they have learnt so far in their life?

3. What they expect from you as their children?

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