
July 8, 2020

Notes by Arjun Patel

Today’s class was about fear. The way to overcome fear is courage. Courage is willingly doing something that puts you in a situation that you are afraid of. What happens when you are afraid? You think about all of the negative possibilities that can happen. The only way we can overcome fear is to change the way we think about the things we are doing. If we are afraid of presenting something, we only think about what our grade will be or what other people think about our presentation. If we change how we think to “I am going to do this so I can learn and have fun”, our fears will be destroyed. When we change our thinking, success only depends on us.

Our brain has a reticular activating system(RAS). This is a system that filters information in our brain. It filters things by looking at our views and assumptions on the world. This makes it so that fears have an effect on how we do certain things.

Our practice is to call one of our extended family members and have a conversation for at least 5 minutes. The family member has to be an adult.


Notes by Sanna Luthra

Recap of Lesson #4:


-virtue to overcome it is discipline

-discipline is the ability to do something, even if it objects/blocks our likes or dislikes

-discipline is like a muscle in our body that we have to keep active

-practice: keep your bed consistently tidy, no matter what

Lesson #5 (subtle fears):

-virtue to overcome it is courage

-meaning of courage: when we want to do somethings that makes us feel uncertain

-courage if the ability to put yourself and perform/put yourself out there

-because you make horrible predictions of bad things people might think of/judge you

-how to perform courage, change the reason we do that performance, which we fear of

-change/shift our negative vision to our positive vision of which fears us

-remind/ask yourself the reason why you are doing this

-it does NOT matter the way people think of you

-do NOT think or focus on the result

-think about your growth instead


-R.A.S stands for Reticular Activating System

-R.A.S is filters information every day in your brain

-this filter confirms the negative thoughts in your brain based on what happens in every day of your life

-it consumes information by seeing what the action of the person thinks of yourself

-it assumes all of these things

Practice of the week/R.A.W.:

Have a conversation (approx. 5 mins.) with one of your extended family members (that is an adult or grandparent).

Purpose: Face your fear of talking to someone older than you, using the techniques taught in this lesson, to help face that fear.

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