Summary of last session (October 22) by Shri Mohan Khandekar.

Shri Vijayji started the session by pointing out that even the words are different, Jeevatma (जीवात्मा) and Paramatma (परमात्मा) are one and the same. However, Jeevatma is associated with ignorance (अविद्या) and Paramatma with Maya.To understand Vedanta, one needs to travel from gross intelligence to subtle intelligence because deep thinking is necessary. 

58:1 In these words Nit Nav Sochu (नित नव सोचू), the word “Nav” is important. It indicates that the direction of Sati’s thinking is changing. She is now turning to Shri Ram. Here Shri Vijay ji referred to Verse 34, Chapter 9 of Bhagavad Geeta to explain the qualities of a Bhakta. 

मन्मना भव मद्भक्तो मद्याजी मां नमस्कुरु |

मामेवैष्यसि युक्त्वैवमात्मानं मत्परायण: || 34||

Shri Krishna says “first start thinking about Me. Your devotion will get strengthened with knowledge. This samsara will not give you a permanent happiness. Turn towards Me because only I can do this.  Therefore do not lose sight of Me.  Purify your mind by offering EVERY action to Me:”.  The words Sayani (सयानी) is equivalent to Madbhakta (मद्भक्ता) and Deendayal to  Manmana bhav (मन्मना भव)  in the above verse. 

Bhagvan Shri Shankaracharya says “Actions, Upasana and Meditation are not sequential but simultaneous”. Jeevan Mukti is possible HERE and NOW.  

59:2 Shiv is called here Jagat Pati and Avinashi (All pervading). Shri Ram is Shiv ji’s Ishtadevata and Sita is like His Mata. Sanmukh Sankar Aasanu (सन्मुख संकर आसनू) indicates that Shiv ji made Sati sit in front of Him. He offered her the seat of Mata instead of wife. 

59:4 Prajapati Daksha had an ego, once he was offered a position. 

Doha 60: Daksh invited many Devtas for the Yagya. 

60:1 Shri Vijay ji elaborated over the various “invitees” of the Yagya with their description. Yaksha did not invite Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv.  Why? Ego! Shri Vijay ji explained.  His ego stopped him from inviting the higher powers. 

60:4/Doha 61:The three words Bhay, Sankoch, Prem (भय संकोच प्रेम) are related to Guilt (अपराध). Sati asked Shiv ji’s permission to attend Yagya with these emotions. 

Harih Aum!

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