Happiness is being Fearless

November 2, 2022

Notes by Arisha Gupta


Last week Sumanji told us a story about a time when all scientists, engineers, and docters said running a mile in 4 minutes was impossible. Many tried and all failed. After a period of time a man named Roger Bannister did it in 3.59 minutes! After a little more time even more people did it in less time. You can do anything if you believe in yourself.


Finn is an explorer and he has a dog named Jake. They are chasing a monster and the monster goes into the ocean. When Finn tries to go into the ocean he finds out that he is afraid of the ocean. First Jake holds Finn’s feet and dips them in the ocean and Finn runs away. Then when Finn is sleeping Jake uproots the house and puts it into the ocean. When Finn wakes up he is terrified and then Jake pushes him out of the water and Finn turns Jake’s ears in to parascutes and they fly to an island and Jake puts Finn in a submarine and Jake steers them into and there is black hole in the bottom of the ocean. Finn freaks out and breaks the submarine and Jake sinks to the bottom of the black hole when Finn realizies Jake is not following him he goes and rescues Jake and they celebrate on land.


The lesson was every time you run away from your fear it gets bigger and will eventually become very hard to overcome. We have to face our fears and overcome them.


Slowly expose yourself to your fears. Example would be if you afraid of speaking in the public, start with doing a presentation in front of parents, friends, teachers and then in front of whole school.


The RAW for this week was to introduce yourself to three new people each day.


Notes by Naami Deo


Last week we talked about Roger Bannister and how he did what was thought to be impossible. He ran a mile in under 4 minutes! Everyone thought it was impossible but he did it. 6 weeks after he ran a mile under 4 minutes one more person ran a mile under 4 minutes faster than Roger Bannister. Then more and more people started to run a mile in under 4 minutes! 

The lesson from this is that if you have a growth mindset or a positive mindset you can do anything you set your mind to.


From Adventure Time’s show, Jake the dog and Finn are near an ocean trying to capture a dragon. The dragon goes into the ocean. Jake sketches as far as he can but he couldn’t reach the dragon.  Then Finn slowly walked close to the ocean and he realized he is afraid of the ocean.  Jake decided that he will help Finn overcome his fear. 

Plan #1: Jake took Finn’s toe and dipped it into the ocean. Finn got so scared that he ran back to the tree house. 

Plan #2: While Finn is sleeping Jake places Finn into a sleeping bag and into a plastic house and pushes the house into the ocean. When Finn woke up, he realized that he was in the middle of the ocean and he got so scared that he broke down the walls of the fake house. He was still in the sleeping bag, so he was not touching the water. Jake was told Finn to stay calm, breathe in and breathe out.  Then Jake slowly opened the zipper of the sleeping bag and now Finn was in the water. Scared Finn swam to an island close by. 

Plan #3: Finn and Jake went into a submarine and went  to the bottom of the ocean. They saw cool fish, shipwrecks and other cool stuff.  There was a big black hole at the bottom and Finn got so scared that he accidentally broke the submarine. They were in their swim gear and they started going down the black hole. Finn started swimming out of the black hole. A rock hit Jake’s head and he went down that black hole.  When Finn got to the top of the black hole, he realized that his friend was not with him and he should have come up by now. For his friend’s sake, Finn stopped thinking of his fear and went deep down into the black hole and saved Jake. 

When they got back to the shore, the Fear Feaster from Finn’s head said mockingly, “you are still afraid of the ocean. La la la la…you are not a hero. You have not conquered your fear.” He also said more mean words.  After Jake regained consciousness, he said, “you are a hero, Jake!” Everyone has fears, flaws. The most important thing is that we at least try to overcome our fears. Finn tried to face his fear and that’s what makes him a hero.


You cannot run away from your fears. The more you run away from your fears, the bigger they get. So if we want to conquer our fears we have to take baby steps. For example, if I am afraid of presenting in front of the whole class , I could do the presentation in front of my family first. After that I can do the presentation in front of my friends. Then I can present in front of the whole class. We can take baby steps so that we can overcome our fears. 


Sit with three different groups of people during lunch this week.

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