Bodha (Being Relevant) and Adambha (Being Modest)

April 22, 2020

Notes by Arjun Mahes


Story: Being Relevant

Anvita went to Iran to advertise energy drinks. She’s very excited because this is her first job. So, Anvita creates 3 billboards: 1 with a slouching tired man, the second with a man giving him an energy drink, and the third with a strong and healthy man. She decided to put these in this order, so that when you drink the energy drink you are energetic. When she returned, her friends asked how her sales were.She replied that it wasn’t so good because in Iran, people read right to left not left to right like most of us. So the hypothetical consumers would be seeing an energetic man, then given the energetic drink, then being dereved entirely..

Moral : Do what’s relevant, Bodha

Story: Being Modest

The little Prince had the personality of exploring and discovering new things. So one day he travelled to see all the planets beyond earth. The people he sees are…

The King- Who thinks everyone is his subjects

The Vain Man- Who bows his hat when someone appreciates him

The Drunkard- Who drinks to forget that he is drunk

The Businessman- Who thinks he owns the stars

The Lamplighter- Who doesn’t know why he is lighting the lamp

The Geogropher- Who never leaves his seat to explore, he just writes notes.

The common characteristic of all these people is that they aren’t modest(Adhamba). They neaver think about anyone but themselves. When you are modest you learn more because you don’t have a perspective on what you’re learning. You have to keep on learning and growing and not think about ourselves all the time. And that’s what we do in Happy Hour. We learn to learn and this will really help in secular studies.

Practice: Learn 10 new words. Why did we do this? We did this because we learn how to learn.


Notes by Ira Mehta

  • Values- Bodha means to be relevant and adhambha means to be modest
  • Marketing story- A marketer had a very good idea to market this energy drink in Iran. On 3 billboards, the marketer put different pictures. The first one was of a man in a desert lying on the floor, the second one showed the man drinking the energy drink, and in the third one, the man’s energy was fully restored and he was standing up. Unfortunately, the marketer’s idea didn’t work and no one bought the drink. It was because in Iran, they read right to left which means they saw the billboards in the order of a man feeling fully energetic, then drinking the energy drink, and then becoming very tired. This story shows an example of irrelevance.
  • Story about the Little Prince (summary)- The Little Prince decided to visit different planets. On the first one, he encounters a king who wants to order around the prince. On the second planet, he encounters a vain man. The vain man explains how he is the most intelligent , best-looking, and wealthiest man on the planet. This is absurd because he was the only person living on the planet. On the third planet, the Little Prince meets a drunkard. When he asks the drunkard why he drinks, the drunkard said it is to forget he drinks. On the fourth planet, the Little Prince meets a businessman who claims to own the stars. On the fifth planet, the prince meets a lamplighter who frantically has to put the lamp on and off, since his planet has a new day every minute. On the sixth planet, the prince meets a geographer who knows all the locations of deserts, mountains, cities, and the seas. When the prince asks the geographer about his planet, the geographer says he doesn’t know anything about it since it’s not his job to explore it. These different people show irrelevance and a few show immodesty.
  • When you only think/talk about yourself, you become irrelevant
  • Practice was to learn 10 new words without using the internet and then VivekJi picked a few people to say them
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