Vrata — Being Determined

January 22, 2020

Notes by Ambika Mishra

Review –

Vivekji started the class with a question — what is the difference between an ‘event’ and a ‘movement’? The difference is that an event starts and it stops. A movement, on the other hand, keeps going. Our class, Happy Hour, is a movement because the learning from the class are forever, they never stop. Last week’s value was — Tapa — being strong. Someone who is strong, they do not stop, they just keep going without quitting. Another example of a movement is our parents’ love for us. They continually love us no matter what.

Story –

The value of this week is Vrata — being determined.

Today’s story was on Dhruva. He wanted to be a great king so he went to the forest to find happiness. In the first month, he only ate fruits every three days. In the second month, he only ate grass every six days. In the third month, he only drank water every nine days. In the fourth month, he took a breath every 12 days. In the fifth month, he stopped breathing altogether. In the sixth month, he stood on one foot and slowly went to one toe. He finally found happiness in the sixth month and went back to rule. He accomplished all this at the age of six all because he was so determined.

A river would go around any obstacle to reach the lake and eventually the ocean. Nothing can stop a river. We should be so natural and flexible that we could work with anyone, be friends with anyone, be happy no matter what.

From The Little Prince –

Little prince held on to his question — why do roses have thorns? He kept asking the pilot again and again until the pilot told him that they were there to protect the flower. When you are determined and hold on to a question, you get the answer!

Lessons from the story –

– You can achieve anything with determination.

– No matter how old or young you are, you can still achieve your goals with determination.

– We, in our determination have to give up stubbornness (I’m right) and complaining(other people are wrong).

Practice –

Our practice was to fill up two cups of water and hold them at shoulder length. Even a smallest ripple meant you are out.

A determined person will be able to go through it without giving up.


Notes by Keshav Ganesh

What is the difference between an event and a movement. An event starts and stops. A movement starts but never stops. Our class is a movement.


Dhruva wanted to be a great king but needed help. He went to the jungle and focused on happiness. He started to let go of himself. For the first month, he only ate fruits every three days. In the second month, he only ate grass every six days. In the third month he only drank water every nine days. In the fourth month took a breath every twelve days. On the sixth month, he only stood on one foot. Slowly he shifted to one toe. In the sixth month he found out how strong he actually was.

Value; Vrata. Meaning; Be determined.

Dhruva was very determined to get happiness. He gave up so much to do this.

A river is always determined to find the ocean. It does not stop flowing.

Little Prince

The Little Prince asks the pilot “ Why do roses have thorns”. The pilot does not answer. So the little prince asks again. The pilot still does not answer. So he does it again and again. Finally the pilot answers. He says “ Because they need to protect itself”. The little prince is holding onto the question. He is determined to get an answer.


When Vivek Ji says go, we go to the kitchen and fill two glasses of water. We come back. When he says go, we take the cup in one hand, and then we have to hold it without the water shaking. If it shakes sit down. Then take both cups and hold them with your hands straight. When you lower your hands, sit down. Someone who is determined will not put their hands down.

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