Happiness is Having the Right Mindset

October 26, 2022

Notes by Aarya Mishra


Last week, Sumanji told the story about a day at the beach, where a girl had passed out. An old man saw this and ran to help her, only to be pushed aside by a yelling man. He said he knew CPR, and ran up, and saved the girl. Later, the loud man passed out too. When he woke up, the same man whom he had pushed aside was tending to him and doing CPR. The man was shocked by this. We learnt from this 4 words. It’s not about me! The loud man as he pushed his way to help the girl was thinking ‘me me me.’ The old man however, let the man do it since it would help the girl. He accepted Humility. Humility is another form of gratitude.


At one point in time, all scientists, doctors, and engineers said it was impossible to run a mile under 4 minutes. Everyone tried, and everyone failed, for 10 years. Finally, a man named Roger Bannister finally did it in 3:59 seconds. Only 6 weeks later, another man did it. And over the course of the next few years, 16 people ran a mile under 4 minutes in even better time.


Sumanji gave an example to explain this. Say, right now, you had to go play a sport you weren’t good at. Would you say, ‘I’m no good at this sport.’ If you do, this is setting a barrier of doubt in your mind. Roger Bannister didn’t think that. He believed that he could do it. If you think that you can do something, you will do it. If you think you can’t do it, you won’t. To show this, Sumanji talked about the difference between extraordinary and ordinary people. Extraordinary people know how to do something, and will try to do it! Ordinary people know these things, they don’t believe they can do this. When Roger Bannister ran a mile under 4 minutes, he canceled the wall of doubt separating other people from doing it.


For the practice, you have to cross your legs together, then put your right hand on your left ear, and your left hand on your right ear. Then you have to try your best to do 25 squats. If you believe you can do it, you can! Whatever number you did, next class, you have to do double that many squats the same way!


Sit quietly for 10 minutes without moving your body. Then the next day, add one more minute, and the next, and the next, and so on.

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